3- Him

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Arizona's POV
Most of us had stayed awake last night in fear what might happen if we fell asleep. We still haven't found Derek, Meredith must be worried sick first her sisters dies then we can't find her husband. Although if I being honest she doesn't seem that worried but it could just be shock. My leg is starting to really ache now and as I look down I realise there is dirt in the cut and it's still bleeding if we aren't found soon I think it's going to get infected. As I look around I realise we need to keep looking for Derek the best chance of us all surviving or those who are left surviving is being together.
A: ok we will set out again and find him but let's just take it un turns ok someone stays here with um... with the camp
I couldn't bring myself to mention Lexie's body at least not yet.
A: I'll go first with Meredith, Cristina you stay and look after mark.
The pairing where a bit off but I could tell something was wrong with mark and Cristina would be better to deal with it then me and Meredith needed to be one of the ones looking for Derek.
A: is everyone ok with that?
I asked looking at each of them individually
Meredith and Cristina nodded but as I looked at mark something was definitely wrong, he wasn't responding
A: mark?
I tried my best to run over to him but Cristina beat me to him, l
C: mark (she shook him) mark,
she shook him again this time harder as she shook him he fell down
M: Oh My God what's happening
Cristina ripped open his shirt and gasped,
C: Om My God Cardiac Tamponade, someone quick I need a tube of some kind
I quickly looked around as did Meredith but we couldn't find anything
C: come on anything will do if I don't do this soon he will die
M: what about a pen
C it's not ideal but if it all we got it will do, isn't there anything in the medical bag
A: only bandages, a scalpel, a single tourniquet, and oh my god a tube it's small but it's there
C: perfect quick grab me the tube and the scalpel!
I passed the tube and the scalpel to Cristina who immediately started her incision on marks chest, I couldn't stand to watch I turned my head away and found myself being comforted by Meredith
C: ok I got it in but I don't know how much longer he will survive out here
I heard her sign I knew if we weren't found soon, mark wouldn't stand a chance
A: ok we need to go find Derek,
I didn't want to leave mark but I knew if we had any chance of surviving this we had to be together
M: ok
Me and Meredith made our way off trying to not go to fair as to get lost but still trying our best to find Derek.

Meredith POV
I know if I don't act worried people will start to realise something is up
M: Derek!
I yell, I need Arizona to think I'm scared, I mean I am scared, scared that we won't make it out of here scared that Derek is going to hurt me again, scared to return to life without the one family member who truely loved, loved me without restrictions and without consequences
Me and Arizona hadn't walked far when we hit a fork in the somewhat of a path we had been travelling,
A: which way?
Arizona questioned looking at me
M: um, I think we need to do both why don't...
I started but as I looked up I say a storm cloud in the distance we wouldn't have time to look at both and be back at the 'camp' by the storm hit and we have to have to find Derek before this storm hits,
M: we are going to have to split up, I'll take the right path and you take the left then we both take 1000 steps then return so we don't get lost ok?
A: I don't think we should split up
M: I know but look there is a storm rolling in if we have any chance of finding him and making it back we have to
A: ok but if something goes wrong you scream ok and I'll do the same, if you hear the other scream you run, run back to 'camp' get help then return. Ok Meredith?
M: Ok.
So me and Arizona started walking down our paths I was counting my steps out loud like some how that would help
M: 45, 46, 4...
Suddenly I felt something grab me from behind, I went to scream but suddenly felt a hand over my mouth

Third person POV

Meanwhile back at Seattle Grace,
O: what do you mean they never got there their plan left over 24hr ago, they should be getting be getting back now.
Owen was yelling at the phone in his office, he had just been told by the hospital in Tacoma that his surgeons never arrived, just as he ended the first call he got a second one.
O: hello, Owen hunt speaking,
??: Hello this is Sam from GCS airways,
O: oh hi um I was just about to call you
S: yes, um I regret to inform you that one of our plans the one being used by your surgeons has gone missing, it's tracker appears to be broken however, we are working to locate the area
O: what do you mean missing
S: I am sorry but it appears that the plane has crashed somewhere, we have several search party's looking now but we have yet to locate the plane, I am very sorry. I have to go I will be in contact if we find out any more information.

Owen was shocked, this can't be happening. He had just signed off on this new airline and now, no, this could cost him his career. As Owen sat pouting over his carrier he didn't know that Callie, was just on the other side of the door and had heard everything. Her girlfriend and her best-friend where on that plane.

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