28- Sick?

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A week later
Arizona's POV
C: so how's it going in PT, I'm sorry I haven't been able to come visit you too much
I smiled at my girlfriend, she's so kind and caring
A: it's going well, today I started using a cane. I'll keep swapping between the cane and the crutches but it's progress.
C: I'm so proud of you my love,
Callie leaned over to kiss me and I kissed her back, enjoying the time with her.
C: and what about Meredith how's she doing?
A: better she's really making progress with her prosthetics, but I can see she's still struggling
C: yeah must be hard. She's got no leg from the hip down it's a completely new way of life.!
As I thought about Meredith I realise I had a question one Callie would probably know the answer to but might not be able to tell me
A: hey, do you know why Meredith ended up with a hip disarticulation?
It didn't make sense I hadn't really thought about it until now but they had only amputated above her knee out in the... I didn't want to think about it
C: it was due to the tree wasn't it?
Callie asked,
A: no the tree only crushed her lower leg
C: well maybe it did more damage then you realised
A: no it couldn't have I was there
C: I know Mi amor but maybe you missed something
Normally when Callie called me Mi Amour I loved it but right now it made me angrier.
A: I didn't miss anything calliope!!
I yelled
C: Ari..
A: no Callie, I didn't miss anything I was there
C: I know
A: no you don't, I was there I sat by her while she cried I watched mark die out there I watch Meredith hold Lexie's hand while she died I watched Meredith sit next to her dead best friend for days. I didn't miss anything with Meredith's leg cause I was the one who put the tourniquet off I stopped the blood flow to her leg. I fastened the tourniquet, the tree didn't touch the top of her leg, I could see her leg it was fine!
I yelled, I didn't mean to yell at Callie, I just it had been a lot and I hadn't really had a chance to be angry about it yet. As I looked at Callie I could see she wasn't angry or upset, instead she reach out her hand to pull me in for a hug
C: I'm so sorry Ari, that is not something you should have to deal with, and I'm not sure about Meredith's leg, i can try and find out but technically I can't tell you anything...
Callie explained as I cuddled into her
C: but I will try.
I snuggled into Callie as a lay on our bed, soon falling asleep.

One Week Later
Meredith's POV
I've got PT with Arizona today and I'm actually starting to look forward to things again. I look forward to seeing her to doing our pt together. I haven't felt this way...like ever.
We where about half through our PT session I suddenly feel extremely nauseous, quickly walking over to the closet bin before throwing up my breakfast, before falling as I failed to balance on my prosthetic.
Immediately Arizona runs over to me, or more walks briskly with her cane.
A: Meredith are you ok?
She asks, I don't know what to tell her I just throw up obviously I'm not ok
M: mmm
I just grown as the nausea hits again.
Physical Therapist: I'm just going to end todays session early good job ladies let me know if you need anything
Our physical therapist exclaims as I throw up again.
A: mer, what happened are you ok
She asks again concerned, this time I look back up to her
M: I don't know...
I reply it's true I don't know why I was sick
A: oh mer,
She cooes, I smile as she does,
A: how about we go sit in the attending's lounge
Arizona explains and I nod, carefully she stands up and goes to grab my wheelchair, I'm getting better at using my prosthetic but it's still hard so I tend to use my chair for long distances.
Once we reach the attending's lounge Arizona quickly grabs us both a cup of coffee but as I smell it I feel nauseous again so Arizona quickly moves them away from me.
A: mer what happened this morning?
M: I don't know I just suddenly became nauseous, it happened yesterday too before you got to the house
I explained intentionally mumbling the last part.
A: sorry what was the last part
M: it happened yesterday
I whispered avoiding eye-contact with Arizona, I feel bad it's not her responsibility
A: oh mer are you getting sick or something
M: I don't know
I shrugged my shoulders

Arizona's POV
I'm worried Meredith is getting sick, the last thing she needs right now it some stomach bug or something. I check the time and it's nearly time for us to go home, both Derek and Callie have a shorter shift today as they are both leaving for a conference later, I really don't want to send Meredith home alone with Zola especially if she's going to be sick
A: do you want to come home with me today
I ask,
M: I can't Derek...
A: Derek won't know he and Callie are leaving for that conference today and won't be back for three days you can stay with me and Sofia while they are away
I watch as her eyes light up at the thought,
A: what a you think
M: I think I'd like that, but please no coffee while I'm there even the word is making me nauseous right now
I smile as I listen to her start to joke, I love happy Meredith. We sit and chat for a bit longer in the attending lounge before getting ready to take Meredith back to mine and Callie's place. It was quite easy to get stuff for Sofia and Meredith without Derek noticing.
We had a great afternoon, in each other company and Meredith seemed to be doing a lot better.

The next morning
I woke to the sound of throwing up coming from the bathroom. Crap Meredith...

Authors Note
Sorry for taking so long to update, I wasn't quite sure how to write the next few chapters but I think I know now so I should be able to update more regularly. In saying that I'm also about to go on vacation so I may also not be as frequent hopefully you will still be here to enjoy the story even if I don't post every day.

Thank you for reading and please leave comments telling me what you think is wrong with Meredith as well as with any suggestions I will try to respond to all comments.

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