9- helicopters

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Arizona's POV

I heard something about us, at first I couldn't tell what is was but then I saw one of the lights flash down between the tree's leave, I quickly jumped up and started waving my hand
A: we are here please help us!!!!
I screamed, at the helicopter.
??: we found them
I heard a muffled voice say, omg we are found
A: Meredith we are found we are going home
M: oh my god
I smile at Meredith, then see she's getting upset as she looks at her friend next to her
A: I know, but we have to live for them ok
She only nodded I know this is a hard time for her

In the Hospital
Third Person POV
Everyone was still sitting in the conference room,
C: Richard have you heard anything??
No one had really left the conference room, over the last four days. Occasionally leaving for emergency surgeries or to take a shower but that's about it
R: not yet Callie they are still...
The phone starting ringing, and the room immediately fell silent
R: yes
??: hello is this Chief Richard? I'm Sam from the GCS airways
R: yes yes, I'm him is there an update

Callie's POV
I watched at Richard answered the phone, my heart pounding in my chest. Sophia was sitting in my lap, she's too young to know completely understand, what's happening but she has started to ask for her Mamma and her daddy. I haven't told her exactly what's going on but I fear for the worst every day that goes on I get more worried about them. As I come out of my thoughts I realise that Richard is ending the phone call
C: so... who was it... did they find them
R: ok everyone, they have found them.
I watched as he hesitated there was bad news, I looked around and everyone knew
Al: it's ok Richard keep going we need to know
R: they have not yet identified anyone, however, they have reported three casualties, one critical and two stable. I'm sorry everyone, they are moving them to the closest possible hospital, and will call again once it had been confirmed who everyone is.
I look around, my heat racing. I know everyone is thinking the same thing we want out person or people to be the stable ones, but I'm doing so we hoping that it's the other ones that are dead
Sophia: Mummy, is Mamma coming home soon
I don't want to lie to my daughter but I also don't want to tell her what I fear most, that is her other mother is gone.
C: no Mija, Mamma is still busy with work, why doesn't uncle Alex take you and Zozo, for a walk hey
I asked looking over at Alex with pleading eyes,
Al: sure, come here little one
Alex scoops her off my lap, before lifting Zola off Izzie's lap, sneaking in a quick kiss with his girlfriend in the process
Al: how about some ice-cream?
He asks and I can't help but chuckle as the girls laugh. God I hope that Arizona and Mark come home ok,

Back in the forest
Arizonas POV
More helicopters have arrived now, with the paramedics helping us.
Paramedic: ok so we have been able to successfully remove two of the bodies and the gentle man with the broken hand. Now we can focus our attention on you guys
The paramedic explains to me and Meredith, they had tried to help me into a helicopter earlier but Meredith had clung into my shirt not letting me go.
P: ok we are going to need to move the tree, we've got straps around it and they are connected to the helicopters above, but I must warm you, please be prepared for what we will see under it, there is no way to know what to expect.
The paramedics gave the signal and they started to lift the tree off Meredith and Cristina, I saw as Meredith turned her head away from the body of her friend instead burying her head in my chest. As I looked down, the paramedics where right I want prepare for what I would see, before I could look for too long the paramedics removed Cristina, leaving only me and Meredith, as the paramedics looked at her leg, it was clear, what both me and Meredith had suspected, the leg was shattered there was not way to salvage the bones
P: I'm very sorry, miss...
A: Meredith
I responded saving Meredith from having to talk or look at what her leg looked like.
P: I'm sorry Meredith, we are going to have to amputate your leg here and then get you back to the hospital for further treatment.
I could just feel Meredith nod again my chest. I noticed she was getting weaker and saw the blood coming out from her leg
A: we need to be quick she's already lost too much blood if she bleeds much more she's not going to survive.
I felt Meredith, start to slump against me
A: Meredith I know your tired but you need to stay awake,
I shook her slightly and she stirred again, the combination of her concussion and the blood loss was really starting to get to her
A: please hurry she also has a concussion, we need to get her out of here...

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