17- French Toast

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Meredith POV the next morning
I woke up, with such as saw neck from sleeping in the chair near Zola's crib, as I looked at the time in the clock in her wall I knew I had to get up and start getting ready for breakfast, the least I could do for Derek was make him a nice breakfast seeing as how stupid I was yesterday, how could I have wet the bed, I'm so stupid. Carefully I made my way to the kitchen and transferred myself onto the taller seat I'd put in front of the stove it was the only way for my to be able to still cook food for Derek. I decided to make him some French toast as that's one of his favourites, it doesn't take me long to prepare them when I hear Zola start crying she must be hungry I quickly grab the bottle I had prepare knowing she would wake up soon and rushed down to her room hoping she would wake up Derek, but as I come around the corner I saw him already there holding her.
D: it's fine Meredith don't worry I'll take care of a screaming child you do what ever it was you where doing, Zola will realise which one of us can actually look after her.
Derek smirked as she spoke to me, he was right I couldn't do anything right to look after Zola, but I knew I loved her and that had to count for something right?
M: I'm sorry Derek I was preparing breakfast I have her bottle here I was trying to get to her,
I tried to explain but Derek just snatched the bottle of me.
D: whatever! Where is it then the breakfast you made
Derek yelled,
M: I..I it's in the kitchen.
Derek just pushed past me and started to walk towards the kitchen, I carefully followed him trying my best to not upset him.
D: what is this!?
He yelled as he saw the French toast I'd made him sitting on the table.
M: it's French toast, Der your favourite
I smiled hope-full, he would appreciate it
D: I don't want f*cking French toast I wanted eggs!
He screamed, how was I supposed to know he wanted eggs he didn't tell me, normally he loved french toast.
D: you idiot, now I'm going to be late cause she need to make me another breakfast but you also just wasted perfectly good eggs and bread!!
He screamed once again, I hadn't realised but he had picked up the plate of french toast and as he finished screaming he threw it at me, the plate just missing my face and smashing on the ground behind me. I didn't know what to do at first, I just looked at him which earned me a slap across the face.
D: you know what don't worry about it just clean that up and get ready I'll get breakfast at work, and you don't need breakfast you fat pig!!!
He screamed again walking off to start getting ready. As I found my thoughts spinning I could feel my head getting heavy but I stopped myself taking a deep breath and looking down at the mess Derek had made on the ground, carefully I got out of my chair and started to clean up the floor before hurrying to get myself ready before Derek was ready to leave, I know he would leave without me, he'd done it before. Luckily this time I made it in time, and was waiting in the car when we he got there,
D: I finish at 7
Derek told me bluntly, my physical therapy only goes for two hour so I'll be done by 1, but I'll find something to do for the rest of the time.

Arizona's POV in the Physical Therapy Session.

I've got PT this morning with Meredith, we opted to have a joint session that goes for two hours instead of an hour session each, so far we've found it helps to have each other there for support, it is hard though to watch as Meredith struggles, but we've been working towards it, this session started with Meredith trying on her new prosthetic, i could tell it was a bit weird for her but she seemed to be managing. It was an interesting prosthetic, I mean I've seen once before but it was different it being on a friend. It had a metal leg part similar to most prosthetics but at the top was what looked like a metal seat of sorts that her remaining hip sat in, then there was a strap that went across her body. I could hear the Physical Therapist explaining to her that once she got used to the prosthetic they would be able to remove the strap but for now it would make it easier for her to wear. After a bit of practise standing on her new leg, it was my turn to start my PT...

Authors note,
Sorry this part is a tiny bit smaller, I didn't want to make a super long chapter but also didn't want to separate the next bit. Hope you enjoyed anyway and the next chapter should be out super soon.

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