40. Not alone

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Arizona's POV
M: wona?
I heard the soft voice from beside me, oh my gosh Meredith.
A: yes yes it's me, I'm here
I coo, I look up at Amelia who was frozen in her spot staring at Dr Montgomery
A: Amelia she's awake
Amelia snaps out of it coming over to asses Meredith, she starts the process of beginning her nuro check but Meredith pushed her away.
M: wona?
I here Meredith ask
A: yeah, what's wrong
M: Dewek? Zozo?
She asked quietly, I sigh it's her story to tell not mine and there are people here.
A: Zola's fine she's in the child care.
I answer, trying not to mention Derek.
M: Dewek?
She asks again, as I hear her talk I can here that's she regressed,
A: Derek's not here, it's ok.
I answered grabbing her hand. She just nodded and let Amelia get started on the check. As Amelia finished up she turned back to me,
Am: do you want me to call Derek for you get him here, he's probably worried sick about her
Crap I need to say something, at the mention of Derek's I can feel Meredith starting to freak out.

Callie's POV
As soon as Meredith hears Amelia say Derek's name I watch as she starts to freak out. At this moment I notice that Dr Montgomery is still standing in the door way, she tenses up at the mention of Derek's name.
Ad: I..I need to go
She stammers, and she goes to leave the room with Amelia chasing behind her, somethings wrong I can feel it so I follow behind.

Arizona's POV
I watch as Addison runs out of the room followed quickly but Amelia and Callie, I can't focus on that much Meredith is freaking out in front of me.
M: no Dewek, Dewek hurt me pwease
She cries, god that man is awful
I carefully move Meredith and sit next to her pulling her into my lap.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
I start singing to her
A: Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.
I'll be your candle on the water,
'Till every wave is warm and bright.
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you.

Meanwhile outside,
Callie's POV
Am: Addie wait
I hear Amelia call running after Addison. Suddenly Addison disappears into a supply closet. As Amelia and I reach the door we look at each other confused.
C: what is going on?
I ask
C: how do you know Addison Montgomery?
Am: she was married to my brother, but one day she just disappeared I haven't spoken to her since. Addie?
Ad: no go away
We hear her call from the closet.
Am: Addie please
Ad: no,
This time her voice is more broken. I think I know what's going on.
C: Addison, no one is calling Derek he's not coming.
I say
Ad: promise?
C: promise
Amelia looks at me confused, but the door unlocks.
Carefully we open it to reveal a crying Addison.
Am: Addie what's wrong,
She just looks at us,
C: hey why don't you come back to Meredith's room. I think we all need to talk.
I say, looking carefully at Addison who nods

Back in Meredith's room.
As we enter Meredith's room I can see Meredith is asleep in Arizona's arms. Poor thing
Addison sits down, and I sit across from her Amelia looking at us confused. Arizona looks over to me confused as well.
C: Addison, Amelia said you where married to Derek is that true
She nods quietly. I can see she wants to say something but doesn't.
C: it's ok you can say it.
Ad: I..
She starts but shakes her head
Am: Addie what happened you just disappeared, you abandoned me
Amelia asks
The second I mentioned Derek's same I can see it clock over in Arizona's mind who gently puts the sleeping Meredith down in the bed to come over and sit next to Addison.
A: Addison, we know what Derek did or at least suspected, he...
I can see Arizona hesitate.
A: he's the one that did this to Meredith, Addison did he used to abuse you to is that why you left?
She asks,
I hear Amelia gasp as Arizona reveals that Derek was the one who beat Meredith
Am: Derek did this?
She asks teary
C: I'm sorry Amelia, yes he did he's been abusing Meredith for god know how long and if we are correct he was doing the same to Addison.
We all turn back to Addison who has tears in her eyes.
A: he he... he was really sweet to begin with for years when we got married but eventually it stopped he'd get angry at first it was just yelling, he'd tell me I was stupid and fat, then he'd tell me how I'd done everything wrong. Then one night her got really angry, he came home and slapped me. At first I tried to ignore it tried to pretend it wasn't happening but it just became regular till one night it went to far we came home after being at his mums house for dinner and I'd been telling a story about him which apparently he didn't like. He...he broke my arm that night, as soon as he did that I knew I had to get out so that night when he went to sleep I packed a bag of my stuff and ran. That's why I left Amelia I'm so sorry
Addison explained turning to Amelia crying
Am: no you don't have to be sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't notice.
Ad: I hid I well, it wasn't your fault
Addison answered
Ad: he never chased after me, about a year after I left he managed to find me but he just told me to stay quiet to never tell anyone or be anywhere near him or else he'd make it worse. So when you mentioned his name earlier I could do it I couldn't
She cried, I looked at Arizona this man was pure evil.
C: hey it's ok. Your safe here now. Richard was already going to put a security guard in front of Meredith's door so you can stay here too.
I answer,
A: and when Meredith wakes up we can talk about what's going to happen next.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed. Did it surprise you what Derek had previously been abusive in his past marriage.

As always please leave comments and suggestions.

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