5- Found

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Cristina's POV
I was sitting at 'camp' with mark, I could tell he was getting hurt if he wasn't found soon he was going to die, we'd already lost one person out here we can't loose another. The storm above me is starting to roll in and I can feel slight rain drops on my skin, if this rain gets much worst it could end us all a lot sooner. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me fearing for the worst I close my eyes, this is it I'm going to die out here
??: Cristina?
Omg it's Derek,
C: yes Derek are you ok?
I ask turning around, I can see he seems mostly ok, except his hand is shattered, I'm going to have to stitch it up or else it's going to get infected.
D: yeah, I think so, where is Meredith? Is she ok?
C: yes she, she just went looking for you with Arizona, she... she's ok..
D: wait why are hesitating what's wrong
C: well Meredith is fine, it's Lexie and Mark
D: what happened to mark?
C: he's alive, at the moment but he
I stepped to the side revealing marks unconscious body,
D: oh my god mark
Derek ran over to his friend holding him close, we need to get found
A: Cristina!!
Oh Arizona, she must be back. I can feel the storm getting worse as we sit here
C: Arizona yes here look we found Derek,
As I walk towards Arizona I realise that she alone, meredith isn't with her
C: where is Meredith?
A: she... we split to cover too paths I haven't see her
C: ok, we'll Derek is here not so we need to find her
A: ok I'll show yo....
D: help, please
Derek interrupted Arizona,
C: what's wrong
D: he's bleeding, look it's oh my god he's got DIC quick we need to help him
C: I... we there
I looked at Derek, the fear in his eyes there was nothing we could do for mark,
D: please help me
A: Derek we... we... Derek you know yours a surgeon there is nothing we can do, he gone Derek,
D: no please
I knelt down beside mark, feeling for a pulse, but couldn't find one
C: Derek I'm sorry he's gone.
I watched Derek break as he cried over the body of his friend. When we found mark the probability of him surviving was low, as we reached the end of our third day out here I knew, if we weren't found soon we wouldn't last much longer, especially with the incoming storm it would ruin any chance we had of starting a fire, not to mention what could happen we have no shelter nothing to protect us against the rain or the wind or anything, I need to find Meredith.
C: Arizona we need to find Meredith
A: I know, but...
I could see it on her face, the lost of mark was one that affected her deeply, he was the father of her child,
C: I'm sorry Arizona,... but we need to find Meredith we can't let another child loose a parent.
A: ok let's go,

Meanwhile back at the hospital
Third Person POV
The surgeons where pacing around the conference room is been three days now and they still hadn't found the plane, everyone was being to assume the worst
Al: what if...
R: don't say it
Ca: mark and Arizona are on the plan I can't do it alone
I: who's going to look after Zola
R: everyone stop we don't start assuming the worst until it happened understand
Miranda(Mi): ok everyone look at me I know we are scared but we can't freak out ok, Alex go make sure Zola and Sophia are ok, Izzie and Callie take a breath you are no help to anyone freaking out ok, and Richard call them again, find out what ever you can about the plane, where it is anything I don't care, we will find them
Al: yeah, yeah ok do you want me to bring the girls here
Ca: yes, please I need my baby girl
Al: ok I'm going to get her now ok just breathe it's ok.
Alex made his way down to the day care while Richard called the plane company again, they all knew after three days even if they were found this was only the beginning of a very long road.

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