39. Diagnosis

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Arizona's POV
Mi: she's in surgery
A: Oh my god surgery what wrong with her
Miranda sat down in from of me before talking
Mi: where do I start. Ok well we've had to rush her into surgery, she had a concussion which cause bad caused a small brain bleed but Amelia was able to resolve it. Dr Atterman although not immediately necessary operated on Meredith's hand as it appeared the broken fingers Callie treated earlier had received more damage and now needed surgical correction. Dr Webber and myself had to stop some internal bleeding caused by a broken rib. The reason she is still in surgery now is we had to wait for Dr Addison Montgomery to fly in.
As Miranda said Addisons name I froze she was a fetal surgeon she shouldn't be needed unless
Mi: I'm going to guess you didn't know, Meredith is pregnant, her placenta has partially separated from her uterus but Dr Montgomery is currently treating it, she's going to be ok
As I heard those words I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.
A: thank you for updating us
I say,
Mi: no thank you for getting her here without you she probably would have died out there.
I hate to hear Miranda say that but it's true.
Mi: would you like a full run through of her injuries or would you like to wait for a bit let what I just told you settle in first.
I thought for a moment
A: I just..not yet
I reply it was a lot to take in I don't think I could handle anymore right now.
Mi: that's fine
Miranda returned to the OR and I just turned back to Callie.
A: how, why
C: I don't know but you heard Miranda she's going to be fine,
As Callie talking I feel myself start to yawn
C: hey here rest I'll wake you when they come to let us know she's out of surgery.
I nod, she right I need to rest. The seats next to us are empty so I make use of it bringing my legs up to rest and putting my head in Callie lap.

An hour later
C: wake up Arizona, she's out of surgery.
I awoke to Callie gently shaking me
A: is she ok?
I asked groggy
Mi: yes she is ok, would you like to come see her, she's currently in the icu
Miranda asked, before she'd even finished her sentence I was on my feet.
We walked in silence into Meredith room, when we got in my heart broke. She was sleeping but she was covered in casts and plasters.
Mi: would you like me to give you the full rundown on her injuries?
Miranda asked
A: yes please.
Mi: ok, I'll start at her head and work my way down. She had a small brain bleed which Amelia was able to resolve, she also has a stage 4 concussion which we will continue to monitor, next she had a broken nose which fortunately didn't require surgery. She had a dislocated right shoulder which has been relocated and is in a sling. She has broke her left wrist although both wrists have significant bruising. She has two broken fingers that required surgery but are back in place. She has 2 broken ribs, she had some internal bleeding caused by the perforated placenta but Dr Montgomery was able to fix that. And her left knee cap was dislocated but has been put back in place.
I just sat silent as Miranda listed off all of Meredith's injuries, she looks tiny laying in that hospital bed.
Mi: I'll give you some time but I am going to have to contact the police as you said Derek did this?
Miranda asked, I just nodded my head, this was a lot to take in.
A:um.. did you tell anyone did you tell Amelia?
I asked worried, I know Amelia is nice and would never hurt anyone but he's her brother
Mi: not yet, I just told her she was attacked not that Derek did this, are you sure it was Derek?
She asks me
A: yes I'm sure,
I answer, holding Meredith unbroken hand. I watch as Miranda leaves the room. Soon after Callie enters without the babies
A: where's Zola and Sofia?
I asked concerned,
C: I took them up to the day care, how's she doing?
A: she hasn't woken up yet, I don't know what state she will be in when she does but I'll be here
I answer truthfully
C: she's lucky to have you
I smile at Callie
A: I'm sorry I never had any intention it just kinda happened, we survived something unimaginable together, then she told me what Derek was doing and more about her life which I'll let her tell you when she's ready. So I tried to help her out around the house and slowly it just happened I felt myself falling for her, at first I tried to stop it tell myself it wasn't there but I was and earlier today we...we kissed and she told me she loved me and I told her I loved her I promise I was going to tell you tonight anyway but then...
C: hey your rambling, it's ok. I know you didn't meant it, you are too sweet of a person to ever intentionally harm any one. I forgive you.
She said sweetly looking at me
A: thanks Calliope
I say, as she smiles hearing her full name. I'm the only one that calls her that.
We both sit with Meredith for a while before Amelia comes into the room
Am: how's she's going?
A: still not awake but she hasn't shown any signs of distress
I answer
Am: good, she should be waking up soon. I'll come back to check on her when she's awake can you page me?
Amelia asked looking towards the door, as she goes to exit another figure enters. Both doctors freeze in their tracks
Ad: Amy?
Am: Addie?
M: wona?

Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I can't believe we are at chapter 39. Also the ortho doctor was just one I found on greys wiki.
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How do Amelia and Addison know each other?

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