7- Falling

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Third Person POV
As Cristina pushed Meredith out of the way, a large gust of wind caused the tree to fall, Cristina was fast enough to push Meredith but not fast enough to get herself out of its path. The tree fell crushing Cristina's underneath it. The tree hand landed right in the middle of Cristina's back pinning her to the ground, not allowing her to breath.

Meredith's POV-
As I looked around I came out of the shock my body was in, only to realise the sheer about of pain my leg was in as I looked down I realised it was stuck under a tree, as I looked to the side I realised Cristina wasn't sitting next to me. That's when I saw her,
M: Cristina!!!!!
I screamed she was pinned beneath the tree
C: Mm..er
As I looked at her I realised the tree was crushing her lungs,
M: hang on Cris I'll get you out,
But as I went to stand I realised there was no way I was going to get my leg out, if I didn't free Cristina she was going to die. I couldn't let my person die, not now I'd already lost Lexie I couldn't loose Cristina as well, the hospital couldn't lose two of its surgeons (she doesn't know about Mark yet)
M: help help please!!!!
I screamed, someone must here us.
C: Meredith...
I head Cristina, I can tell she struggling, she just reaches out her hand and grabs mine, using her finger to trace a heart in the palm of my hand
M: I...I... love you too Cristina. Your best friend, I can't imagine life without you. I owe my life to you cris I love you
I smile as her, we both know she doesn't have long and so we sit, smiling at each other. I watch her, eyes close and I know she's gone. Just then I hear a noise

Arizonas POV
After resting on the rock for a little bit, I decided it was time to get up and make my way...
M: Cristina!!!
Oh my god want that Meredith, I quickly stand up making my way towards where I left Cristina and Meredith, my mine is racing and I can help but assume the worst, this hospital can't loose another surgeon, not to mention Meredith she can't loose someone else first her sister, than omg Meredith doesn't even know about mark,,
M: Help, Help Please!!
Ok something is definitely wrong, started to increase my speed well as much as my injured leg would let me. I just know that someone must be really wrong Meredith never asks for help with anything.
I have no idea where they are, as I'm walking I here what sounds like sobbing, that must be Meredith, oh god I can tell already and mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to see. As I walk towards the sound, I take a deep breath. Nothing could have prepared me though for what I saw when I got closer to them. At first I couldn't tell what it was, I could see Meredith crying and she appeared to be just sitting there, in front of a fallen tree but as I stepped forward I realised, she wasn't just sitting there the tree had crushed her right leg it was stuck from just above her knees all the way down I couldn't see her foot which wasn't a good sign, and Cristina was laying there, as soon as I saw it I knew, Cristina was no loner with us, Oh My God poor meredith first she watched her sister die and now apparently her best friend, her person.

Meredith's POV
I started to freak out at first when I heard the noise but was relieved when I saw it was Arizona, I looked up at her tears in my eyes. How had this all happened.
A: Meredith?
I just looked at her
A: are you ok? And I mean physically I know right now you won't be ok emotionally but physically I need to know
M: Um...I... my leg I can't... Arizona
I start to cry looking at her, I can't feel my leg, like any of it that's trapped under the tree I don't know if it's a truant response or if it's due to the damage but I don't want to think about it, it's nothing compared to everyone else. I potentially could have ruined Derek's career, and...
A: hey hey.. look at me your hyperventilating, what ever your thinking about you need to breathe ok breathe with me
I watched Arizona's breathe and slowly was able to focus mine.
A: ok good, now,  we need to figure out the damage to you leg ok, we need to decipher weather it's safe to remove you from under the tree or if...
M: it's ok you don't need to say it I know, and I...I... I know, Arizona... I... can't... I can't feel anything, it's bad I don't think I can be moved, and if...
I say sobbing as I look at her,
A: ok, ok, I've got you. You don't have to say it. It's ok
I'm still freaking out but Arizonas voice it helping me calm down, I don't know why but it's just got this... this ease to it that makes me feel better.

Arizona POV

Im trying to decide what to do, I can't leave Meredith but I also need to check on Derek and I can't leave mark and Lexie so Derek needs to stay there, ok think Arizona think, once I've made a decision I look at Meredith again, either way Meredith may need the tourniquet that's in the medical bag. Plus I need to tell Meredith about mark.
A: ok Meredith, I need to go back and get something from the medical bag. I'm not sure if Cristiana was able to tell you
I saw her, wince at the mention of Cristina's name
A: we found Derek, he's ok, it seems to have just been his hand, which looks quite bad but I think he will be ok. Then I will come back to you, I'm going to get him to stay there with, um Lexie and Mark, that way if we are found I can help you and he can help them with the bodies
M: what do you mean bodies
Oh shit I didn't mean to tell her that way
A: Meredith I'm sorry but mark died, he dies just before Cristina came out to find you, I'm sorry
M: oh ok,
A: ok I'm going now I promise I won't be long ok?
M: ok, please come back
A: I won't I promise

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