10- Arrival

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Third Person POV
As Seattle grace mercy west
Richard just gotten off the phone with the airline
R: there is still no update on who is who however they have told us they will be taking them to Hillcrest Hospital, and they suggested we have some people travel there so that the survivors awake ro familiar faces.
Everyone looked around the room no one really sure who would go and who would stay
Miranda: Ok everyone, look I know this is a hard decision but we have to make it so, I suggest we sent Richard, Callie, Izzie and Amelia.
Al: what that's ridiculous I want to go, you can't...
Mi: look Alex I know you want to go but with Arizona on that plane I need you here to help run the Peds floor ok, then Richard goes obviously, Callie goes cause it's her girlfriend, Amelia goes cause Derek is her brother and basically so is mark. Then Izzie can go for Meredith, Cristina and Lexie ok?
Everyone in the room nodded and the selected group, started to prepare to make their way to the hospital where there friends would soon be arriving.

3hrs Later at the hospital
Callie POV
My heart hasn't stopped racing since we got in the car to make our way to the hospital. I really hope Arizona is one of the ones alive at this stage I would even take her as the critical patient as long as she isn't dead. As we pulled up the hospital, I could feel the tension in the air, none of us wanted any of them to be deceased. As we climbed out of the car we where greeted by the head of the hospital.
?: Hello My Name is Dr Samantha Port, I am the chief of Hillcrest hospital, I am very sorry for your loss. Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding was that you had not been told the actual conditions of the survivors only that there was one critical and two stable is that correct?
R: Yes, do you have any more information
S: yes I do, please come inside and I'll will share what I know
We made our way through the hospital, I felt tense with every step I took. The hospital looked quite similar to our yet somehow despite being a doctor for many years now I'd never felt so out of place, eventually we where lead to a room where we all sat around a table.
S: so where should I start
C: have you been able to identify anyone yet?
I asked before anyone else could say anything, I couldn't wait any longer I needed to know if my Arizona was ok.
S: yes we have been able to identify everyone. Just to confirm on the plane was Arizona Robbins, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepard, Cristina Yang, Meredith Grey-Shepard and Lexie Grey? It that correct
R: yes
I could feel the lump in my throat as she mentioned Arizona and Mark's name.
S: ok, I am sorry to inform you that the bodies of the deceased have been identified as Mark Sloan, Lexie Grey and Cristina Yang
I suddenly felt my heart drop and I felt myself let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding. My emotions where torn, Arizona was alive but mark was dead. I looked around the room trying to gage everyone else emotions. Amelia looked like she was on the brink of falling apart, as I saw her I made my way over to her giving her a hug, finally breaking down myself.

Richards POV
I couldn't believe what had just heard, how did that happen. Mark, Cristiana and Lexie where all dead I couldn't comprehend it, I could see the people with me their loved ones breaking down. Callie and Amelia comforting each other over the death of Mark while I saw Izzie crying to herself about the death of Cristina and Lexie.
S: again I am very sorry for your loss. I also have information about the survivors would you like me to continue,
I slowly nodded my head, as much as I knew we needed to grief the loss of our family we also needed to be there for those who had survived.
S: ok, so right now they are all still in surgery. Arizona Robbins and Derek Shepard where both declared stable as the scene. Derek appears to have a severely broken left hand, however it appears to be fixable it will take time to heal and he will probably have to complete a fair amount of PT but he will be fine
C: what about Arizona?
I heard Callie ask, her voice both dripping with fear and relief at knowing her girlfriend was ok.
S: Arizona, presented with a complete break to her left tibula, the brake appeared to be have been exposed to the elements however the team is working hard to ensure it is cleaned. She also is expected to make a full recovery
We all paused for a moment taking the time to let the information sink in. Then I remember she was yet to mention Meredith, but before I can say anything Izzie is already asking
I: what about meredith, you said the other two where stable which means she much have been the critical?
Izzie was on the verge of tears, but seemed to be holding it together.
S: well, it appears while they where stranded a storm hit them causing a tree to fall, the falling of the tree is what lead to the death of Cristina Yang...
Am: and...
I could tell Amelia was worried for her sister-in-law
S: it appears Cristina pushed Meredith out of the way, which ultimately resulted in her death, however, meredith appeared to have knocked her head due to the fall and was suffering from a minor brain bleed, we do not yet know the extent, however it appears to be minor...
I could tell she was hiding something, they wouldn't declare Meredith critical just for a minor brain bleed.
R: please just tell us there is something else,
S: I'm very sorry, but the tree also landed on Meredith's right leg crushing it, the rescue team was required to amputate the leg on scene, she is still in surgery now so I can not tell your the extend of the amputation, however I believe it is just above the knee joint.

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