24- Eyes

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Arizona's POV

Meredith slowly fell asleep on me her soft snores filling the room, her snores are adorable. I smiled as she slept she looked to peaceful it was amazing I wish she could always be this peaceful, that she didn't have these demons haunting her,

Meredith's POV an hour later
I woke up lying on Arizona's chest as I look at her I can see she's awake, oh god I must have kept her awake with my snoring, I'm so stupid, she obviously going to hate me now how could I be so stupid.

Arizona's POV
The movie finished so I turned on some tv while Meredith slept, suddenly I felt her start to move around, she must be waking up.
A: m...
I go to talk to her but realise she's started freaking out again.

Meredith's POV
How could I be so stupid, Arizona is going to hate me,
M: I'm sorry, Zona
I start to cry hoping it will earn me some sympathy. My mother always told me that crying was for the weak but I can't help it.

Arizona's POV
Suddenly Meredith starts crying and I can't tell what's happened
M: I'm sorry
A: shsh it's ok,
I try and comfort her, but she just keeps apologising
A: mer shsh it's ok.
Nothing seems to be working so I try singing to her again, at this point she's probably sick of this song but it's the only one I can think off.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.
I'll be your candle on the water,
'Till every wave is warm and bright.
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you.
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light.

I hadn't yet finished the song when I feel Meredith start to calm down.
A: mer?
She just looks up at me tears in her eyes,

Meredith's POV
After Arizona starts singing I can feel myself calming down.
A: mer?
I look up at her, and my eyes meet her beautiful blue ones, they sparkle as I look into them. Her blonde hair is perfectly sitting around her face, and her smile it could light up a room, as I look at her I realise just how beautiful she is, I've always known she was beautiful, hell I've even thought she was attractive but I can't think she's attractive I'm meant to love a man and find men attractive like Derek and Finn and I suppose George but I don't want to think about him. My mother always told me I wasn't meant to talk about women's bodies the way I should talk about men, it was the one time she physically punished me when I told her that Meryl Streep was hot. But that doesn't matter, I'm looking at Zona's face and she's beautiful.
A: mer?
I hear her ask again and realise I hadn't responded to her only stared into her eyes, I swear there was a moment there but I didn't think of it too much,
A: mer are you ok what happened did you have a nightmare
I shook my head, how could she not know what was wrong surely my snoring would have infuriated her it always infuriated Derek.
A: then what happened? You where sleeping so peacefully, and your adorable little snores, you seemed so calm.
M: you think my snoring is adorable
I ask confused Derek always told me I sounded awful and that I was selfish for keeping him awake.
A: yeah, I do mer
M: oh thank you, Derek always hated them
A: of course he did,
she smiled at me and I smiled back at her

Arizona's POV
I smiled at Meredith and she smiled back, the poor thing was still sitting on my lap but had moved herself slightly so she was looking at me. As she told me Derek hated her snores I could only image how much trouble that caused her, she couldn't control it but I can guarantee he hurt her over it, but I didn't want to ask her now she seemed happy. As I thought about what we should do know I look at the time and realised both Callie and Derek should be getting off shift soon, I realise there is still one thing left in Derek's list and it's to cook dinner.
A: hey mer, would you like my help to make dinner?
She smiles and me and nods, we go to go back to the kitchen when I realise they her chair is actually still in the kitchen,
A: looks like I'll have to help you back to the kitchen
I say smirking slightly. I quickly help her into the kitchen where she transfers into her own chair.
A: so what are we making for dinner.
M: well... Derek this morning asked for spaghetti but I don't have any pasta cause I made spaghetti yesterday.
A: oh, why does Derek want the same mean two nights in a row
I see Meredith hesitate for a minute before answering
M: he doesn't, um... the spaghetti last night didn't get eaten
A: so can't he just have that?
I asked confused
M: no he...um threw the first plate at me but don't worry he missed, then he tipped the rest of it onto the floor and my head
She explained, what is wrong with that man
A: oh mer, are you ok
She just shrugged, I can tell she wants to change the subject
A: well we've got time have you got a pasta maker, flour and eggs
She nods
A: well then let's make some pasta shall we
I ask, she smiles and me and nods again before grabbing the flour out of the cupboard, as she put it on the table a bit fall out of the bag and settles on her nose, it's adorable.
She quickly gets out the ingredients then turns to me.
A: have you ever made pasta before?
She shakes her head, and turns away
A: hey I don't mind I was just asking,
She turns back accidentally knocking some flour into my top, as she seems what's happen she freezes and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes
M: I'm so sorry zona, im sorry
A: hey hey it's ok it's only flour, plus now I get to do this
I saw before knocking some flour onto her top and giggling
M: hey
She giggles
I smile at her and start to explain the process of making pasta, smiling at her as I go, this just feel right I don't know what it is, I've never felt it before but it just feels right, as she giggles beside me as a bit more flour gets knocked onto me.

Authors Note
Sorry for the delay in updating, it's been an interesting time. The first few days of the gap I was away on holidays but then I started back at work, and found out the following day that the school I work at is being shut down so I was frantically trying to figure out what to do next. However the school had been bought out and will remain so I haven't lost my job and should be able to go back to posting regularly.

Anyway hope enjoy please leave suggestions and I will try and take them on board and respond to as many comments as possible.

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