13- Reality

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Arizona POV
As I sat next to Meredith I saw her look down towards her right leg, I wasn't sure how she was going to react, as she looked down the blanket sitting over her legs moved revealing, the amputation. As I saw her look at it I immediately felt her breath start to quicken and she started to hyperventilate.

Meredith's POV:
As I looked down at my leg expecting to see it amputated just above the knee, I couldn't believe what I saw when I saw nothing from my hip down, I could think straight my mine started rushing and I suddenly felt I couldn't breathe. As I sat their staring at my leg or lack there of, I could think my mind was rushing, how had this happen, I felt my thoughts starting to slip away, I felt like I was loosing control.

Arizona POV
I could feel Meredith shaking in my arms, as I looked down I could see she was starting to have a panic attack.
M: wona, pwese
Meredith sobbed into me, I'm not sure what she was asking but I could tell she didn't really understand either. Richard reached over and grabbed an oxygen mask from next to the bed and helped place it over her face.
A: hey, hey Meredith it's ok, it's ok shsh,
I attempted to console her
M: wona, I'm swared
Meredith sobbed again, under the oxygen mask.
A: hey, hey it's ok, listen, shsh In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight, in In the jungle, In the jungle the quiet jungle, The lion sleeps tonight
I started singing to her hoping it would work again, as I looked around I silently asked everyone else in the room to join.
A&C: Wee heeheehee weeoh aweem away
A,I&C: Wee heeheehee weeoh aweem away
A: Near the village, the peaceful village, The lion sleeps tonight, Near the village, the quiet village, The lion sleeps tonight
R&C: Wee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away
I&A: Rrr, la la la weeoh aweem away
A: Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, The lion sleeps tonight, Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, The lion sleeps tonight
R,I,C&A: Wah oh oh, wah oh oh, wah oh wimoweh
Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away
Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away

As we finish the song I noticed it's worked slightly but she's still sobbing and shaking,
A: Callie, I think you might need to sedate her
R: what?
A: you heard me, it's not working her mind needs time to relax, please sedate her you can explain everything to her later.
I: ok I'm getting a nurse,
Izzie ran off, I really don't want to sedate her but it seems like the best option. Izzie comes back a minute later with a nurse who gives Meredith the sedative, once she's asleep I try to move back onto my own bed, but Meredith reached out and grabbed my top, refusing to let go.
C: I guess you staying in here for a bit Ari.
I smiled as Callie leant over and gave me a kiss.

A few hours later
A few hours later Dr Port come into Meredith's room, to check and see how she was going. Meredith was still asleep from when she had been sedated but her physical health seemed good.
DrP: so after reports from all the doctors, all the...um. The doctors have confirmed that all three of you, Derek, Arizona and Meredith can call be transported back to Seattle Grace Mercy West,
I could tell Dr Port was trying not to use the word survivors, but that's what we where survivors, people died out their and we survived.
DrP: all three of you will need to be careful monitored, but we can have you flown to Seattle Grace Mercy West tomorrow
As she said the word flown my heart started race, now it was my turn to freak out, I could feel my heart beating in my chest, suddenly I felt Callie hand on my back,
C: Arizona it's ok breathe

Callie's POV
The second add Port mentioned flying I saw Arizona freak out, I don't know who thought that would be a good idea, yes let's put the plane crash survivors back on a plane.
C: Arizona it's ok breathe,
I coped attempting to calm her down, carefully I put my hand on her back.
C: hey, look at me,
I put her hand on my chest.
C: Arizona breathe with me. In...out...in...out
Slowly I felt Arizona's breathing return to normal,
A: I..I can't get on a plane no way
C: what if we have you sedated?
A: I suppose that could work, why can't we just drive
DrP: unfortunately due to the high risk of infection for all of you, as well as Meredith's state, we can not medically advice the long trip back to Seattle,
I went unspoken but we all knew they also needed to transport back the bodies of Lexie, Mark and Cristina.

2 Days Later Back at Seattle Grace Mercy West.
Third Person POV
Derek was being released tomorrow, he had already regained 90% control back in his hand and was predicted to regain full use within the month. Meredith hadn't really been talking to anyone, but was still admitted to the hospital and under watch for infection. It was around 10:30 when the nurses completed their night rounds and went to sit down for their dinner break. That gave Derek just enough time to slip out of his room and into Merediths.
D: hey mer,
Meredith didn't respond she just simply sat there staring at the wall.
D: respond to me dammit!
Derek yelled, still quite enough that the nurses wouldn't notice he was here but loud enough to scare Meredith.
M: hi
D: Hi? That's all I get! look at you my once beautiful wife. How could you let this happen Meredith. I didn't marry a cripple I married an up and coming surgeon not some useless nobody. I mean look at you, you can't even defend yourself. How are you going to look after Zola huh!?
Derek questioned getting close in Meredith face.
D: huh? To think all that time you spent worrying about being coming like your mother, your worse than Ellis, Meredith!! At least Ellis know how to look after he kids, to look after herself. This is all your fault Meredith, you just had to swap seats to talk to Cristina didn't you?
He asked once again getting to close to Meredith's face for her liking,
D: well doesn't matter now anyway does it, your actions killed her
M: what... no I didn't
D: Yes they did!
Derek yelled at Meredith spitting in her face in the process. As Derek looked at his wife he could see the tears forming,
D: your lucky we are in the hospital Meredith.
Derek smirked sneaking back to his room, his words echoing in Meredith's mind, he was right it was all her fault, his hand, her leg bell even Cristina. She deserved everything he did to her, she killed her best friend.

Meanwhile in Arizona's Room,
Third Person POV
Alex was coming in to check on Arizona, after they had returned to the hospital all the attendings had been pulled back into their normal services so Alex had offered to sit with Arizona while Callie was in surgery.
Al: hi Arizona, how are you feeling
No response, as he walked over to her he tried again
Al: Arizona? Are you ok?
Still no response as he reached out to touch her he realised she was burning up, quickly he pulled back the blanket of her leg,
Al: oh my god, Arizona, oh my god I need to find Callie.
Alex ran off to find Callie.

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