32- Burns

278 10 3

      - abuse
      - swearing
      - discriminatory language

Derek's POV
I'm just furious I can't believe her she just doesn't listen. I don't know how to make her listen but as I look at her on the floor and look around the kitchen I start to have an idea.
D: I can't believe you Meredith, how many f*cking times do I need to tell you not to sign around our daughter
I yell it's beyond a joke, I don't want out daughter to be some weird child that signs everything it's bad enough she's now got a mother who's a cripple but I don't need her to be some weird signing kids as well
M: I'm sorry it's just
D: shut up I don't want to hear your excuses
I slap my hand across her face hoping it'd shut her up for a bit
D: I've told you a thousand times not to sign in front of Zola and then I catch you doing it with Arizona I can't believe you Meredith,
I can't help but worry that's she's told Arizona,
D: did you tell Arizona?
She just shakes her head at me
D: answer me you idiot!!!
M: no no I'm sorry I didn't I swear
I can't tell if she's lying but it doesn't matter, I don't want her seeing Arizona anymore they've gotten to close and I can't trust her
D: well I don't want you to talk to Arizona anymore got it
M: but..
I slap her again she really doesn't understand this whole shutting up thing does she.
D: no buts I don't want you to talk to Arizona anymore, unless it's for work and we all know you probably won't be able to work again
I snicker looking at her, I know work is a big part of Meredith's life and not being able to work is killing her but honestly it's kinda funny
D: in fact
I say reaching around her to grab her phone, she flinched as I reached down and I laughed as she did at least she's learning some things. Once I grab her phone I put it down on the stove top, she strains to see what I'm doing but from her spot on the ground she can't see and without something to pull herself up on she can't stand up. I grab one of the rolling pins and slam it down on her phone laughing at the crack it makes and he flinching beneath me.
D: good luck contacting Arizona now
I snicker looking at her, she looks so defeated sitting there on the floor not getting up. Now to teach her not to use sign in front of Zola,

Meredith's POV
I see Derek's face change it's the change that means he's ready to hurt me again, I can't believe he smashed my phone, I need to message zona I was going to get her to bring my wheelchair to the house.
I'm just looking at Derek I don't want to make it worse by doing or saying the wrong thing.
D: you really don't listen do you, well maybe this will teach you
He yells before I suddenly feel him grab my hair and start pulling me, I can't tell where he is pulling me but I try and stay as still as possibly to try and minimise the damage he does. It feels like he's ripping the hair out of my head but then he stops and I realise he's pulled me over to the stove top, I don't even realise what he's going but suddenly he grabs my arms and pulls up my hands, at first I didn't realise what we was doing, my hands just felt numb but then the numbness stopped and the burning started
M: ahhhh
I screamed as he pushed my hands onto the hot stove top. I tried fighting him, tried pulling hands away but he was stronger than me, eventually I was able to kick his shin and he let my arms go grabbing onto his leg, I pulled my hands to my chest cradling then as I tried to asses the burns they didn't appear to me worse then second degree but they where definitely going to take some time to heal.
D: you bitch!!
He scream, crap I messed up but I had to get my hand off the stove top.
D: you kicked me, how dare you!!!
Derek screamed, standing up.
D: oh your going to pay for this
He yelled grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me back to the open part of the kitchen.
M: I'm sorry, please I'm sorry
I cried as he pulled me,
D: oh shut up
He yelled kicking my ribs, I jolted bringing my hand down to my side
D: how dare you kick me!!
He yelled standing over me, I tried to sit up a bit but as I put my hand on the ground I winced,
D: oh you think that hurts
He smirked before stomping down on my fingers, earning a scream from me.
M: ahhhh!!!
D: oh shut up!!!
He yelled, I quickly tried to compose myself except my fingers where throbbing.
D: I don't want to see you for the rest of the night
He stated,
D: I'm going to order pizza for me and Zola, I don't want to see you or here you understand
I could only nod, before he left the room.
I knew I would have to move but without my chair or being able to pull myself up there was no way I was going to get very far. As I heard Derek moving around in the lounge I slowly crawled towards the laundry knowing he wouldn't enter there.
Once I got there I managed to pull down some extra blankets and towels to for a makeshift 'bed' as I lay down in the 'bed I'd created for myself my hand was throbbing and I could feel a bruise forming on my ribs. As I lay there I can here Zola giggling, I don't understand he's so awful to me but he's kind to Zozo, and if I leave him I don't know if I will get my Zozo back. As I think about it I can feel tears running down my cheeks, slowly I close my eyes, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed the chapter please let me know what you think I love seeing your comment and knowing how much you enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment and I will try and take it on board.

As for the break in the schedule I'm back from holidays for 9days so hopefully I should be able to post quite often in those days, once I'm no longer sleep deprived. (A very early morning flight has lead to me pulling an all nighters and I don't think I'm going to get to bed until about midday tomorrow anyway) hope you enjoyed.

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