21- Papers

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Arizona's POV
I could understand what Meredith was saying,
A: mer honey I can't understand you
M: she...she my baby I can't loose her
A: honey your not going to loose her, you just bring her with you.
M: I can't
A: of course you can
M: no...I... I'm not on her adoption papers.
She cried, oh god no, if she took Zola it would be counted as kidnapping
A: oh, why?
I felt Meredith take a deep breath before she pulled away from my chest to face me.
M: I'm not on her adoption papers legally only Derek adopted her although I do everything with her, he's the one on the papers. He did it so I couldn't leave.
My heart broke as she explained that to me, he had used their baby girls to manipulate Meredith into not being able to leave him.
A: Mer honey how long has he been abusing you, did you ever think of leaving.
M: I was going to leave, after we lost Zola for those few months, but then we got her back and he wouldn't let me be on the papers.
I sighed god this man controlled every aspect of her life
A: oh mer, hey it's ok we will figure this out ok, so you can't leave,
Meredith just nodded
A: ok Mer this is important does her hurt Zola
M: no no, gosh no he would never
As I looked into her eyes I could tell she was telling the truth, she loved her baby girl more than anything there is no way she'd let anything hurt her.
A: ok that's good, in that case then how about if we don't have PT like today I get Callie to drop me over at your place then I can help you and Derek is less likely to abuse you while I'm there.
M: it's ok you don't have to
A: it's ok mer, I want you to be safe.
M: please don't tell Callie

Meredith's POV
M: please don't tell Callie
I didn't want news getting around, the one and only Meredith grey can't even keep her husband happy, wait no Arizona just told me it wasn't my fault, I Meredith grey am a victim of domestic abuse. God that feels weird to say. But I still don't want her to tell Callie then Callie will start asking questions and I'm not ready to tell anyone everything yet and Callie will find a way to get it out of me.
A: no I don't have to tell Callie I'll just tell her we are helping each other with PT, it'll be ok
M: thanks,
I yawn feeling tired again,
A: hey you can take another nap again I'm not going anywhere.
M: thanks zona
I cuddle into her again.

Arizona's POV
I feel Meredith cuddle into my chest again, and carefully I start rubbing her back and rubbing my fingers through her hair,
M: wona
I can here in Meredith's voice she has let her headspace slip a little, I don't mind I know she's tired and it's easier for her.
A: yeah honey,
M: you sing?
I smile, I never thought of myself as a good singer but Meredith seems to like it, although I am running out of new songs to sing.
A: of course, Meri
Quickly I reposition us so we are both lying down on the on call room bed.
A: Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
and someone believed it,
and look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its spell,
we know that it's probably magic....
Have you been half asleep
and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.

Once I finish singing the song Meredith is fast asleep, little snores escaping her. Those little snores are adorable. Feeling quite tired myself I put my head down next to hers, and start to drift of myself.

2hrs Later
Callie's POV
I've just finished a surgery and realised it's nearly 4pm and I haven't had lunch yet, I wonder is Ari has had some. Quickly I check my phone and see she's sent me a message letting me know she's resting in the on call room and floor three. She sent that message a few hours ago, she's probably still there. I quickly make my way up to the on call room.

As I open the door I'm excited to see my girlfriend, she's been doing so well with her PT I'm so proud of her, but what I see shock me. Meredith and Arizona are laying on the same bed, Meredith cuddled into Arizona's chest. I'm shocked, how could she I knew they'd gotten close but...
C: Arizona!!! How could you
I half yell half cry waking then both up
A: Callie it's not
C: what it's not what it looks like that's what they all say how could you.

Arizona's POV
I woke up to Callie yelling, crap I hadn't thought about what it looked like Meredith cuddling into me like this, it's not what she think I mean Meredith is amazing and beautiful and one of the nicest people I've ever met but I'm dating Callie I would never.
A: Callie it's not...
C: why it's not what it looks like that what they all say how could you?
She cuts me of, yelling
A: I..
C: save it Arizona I don't want to here it, I never would have thought you'd do this!
Callie is now filling yelling, as she yells I feel Meredith start to shake again me, Callie's yelling is obviously scaring her,
M: wona
Meredith cried into my chest.
A: Callie stop it's not
C: I don't want to hear it Arizona!!!
I can feel Meredith fully panicking now. I know I need to explain this to Callie but right now my priority is calming Meredith.
M: wona, pwease I'm scwared
A: shsh, Meri it's ok deep breaths.
I put her hand on my chest and try to get her to breathe with me. It worked a little but Callie is still yelling, carefully I sit up pulling Meredith into my lap and start singing into her eye.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.

It doesn't take the whole song and Meredith has calmed down. Once she's calmed down I noticed Callie has stopped yelling and is looking at us confused. Carefully I help Meredith back into the bed and transfer into my chair before pulling Callie out of the on call room.

C: what is going on in there.
She asks as soon as I leave the room, I'm not quite sure what to tell her I promised Meredith I'd keep it a secret.
A: she...she was having nightmare like I do, you idiot I was just holding her cause it helped her stay calm,
I half lied I mean it was true Meredith was having nightmares it just wasn't all the reason I was holding Meredith.
C: oh, but that doesn't explain her reaction when she woke up
A: your yelling reminded her of the loud sound in the woods
I lied this time hoping Callie would believe me, I hate lying to Callie but I don't know what else to tell her I promised Meredith I wouldn't tell Callie and I need Meredith to know she can trust me.
C: oh
I can see Callie feels bad for what she did,
C: I'm sorry
A: it's ok you didn't know, I'm a little hurt you thought I would cheat on you though.
That was true it hurt to know Callie had that little faith in me.
C: I'm sorry about that too, I was just shocked.
A: it's ok
C: I was coming to see if you wanted to get some lunch together?
A: I'd love that, with Meredith of course
C: of course.

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