25- Dinner

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TW: Abuse, Mentions of Weight and Food restrictions

Arizona's POV

It was perfect timing just as we finished making dinner the door bell rang, me and mer both raced for the door seeing who was faster in their chair. I beat her swinging the door open
A: I won
We laughed as we looked at each other
C: good to see your having fun
Callie laughed as she stood at the door.
A: yeah we had a great day didn't we Mer,
Meredith nodded smiling at me.
C: I'm glad to see you both happy, with all the trauma you to have been through
Meredith's eyes shot open
A: only plane crash
I quickly signed to Mer, knowing she was freaking out thinking I'd told Callie
C: Meredith, Derek was just behind me as I was leaving so he shouldn't be long, are you ready to go Ari?
Callie asks me, I nodded at her and shot Meredith a smile before Callie helped me down the stairs that lead up to the front of their house, I don't know how Meredith manages everyday.
Just as we were pulling away in our car I saw Derek pull up, god I hope he's nice to her tonight.

Callie's POV
I briefly look over at Arizona as we leave Meredith's house and she looks sad,
C: Ari are you ok?
I ask concerned
A: yeah I'm fine she say smiling back at me,
I can tell something is up but I don't want to push her so instead I start talking about the surgeries I had today

Meredith's POV
I had an amazing day with Arizona today, and I we successfully made the pasta so Derek should be happy this day might not actually be to bad, I feel my stomach clench as he pulls into the driveway and Arizona and Callie leave but I'll be fine I've done everything and asked and there is no mess I should be ok.
I watch him get out of the car, as first it looks like he's just going to walk inside the house, he stares at me for a moment but then turns around and gets Zola out of the car before walking to the front door our daughter in his arms.
M: hi Derek, how was your day
D: fine,
He scoffs as he pushes past me knocking me slightly into the door frame.
D: where is my dinner?
He demands walking to the lounge to put Zola down.
M: it's on the dining room table Derek,
D: ok
He reply's
I follow him into the lounge then to the dining room just to make sure everything is ok.
D: good, I see you made what I wanted for dinner
M: I did and it's even fresh pasta for you today
D: ha
He scoffs
M: everything ok der?
D: yeah, I just, so you can be bothered to make pasta but not to help me get our daughter out of the car I've had a king day and the least you could do it just get her out of the car for me
He snapped turning to me
M: I'm sorry, but der the stair I can't
D: whatever Meredith you know I don't like excuses
M: I'm sorry
D: I suppose I forgive you
He exclaims before sitting down at the table with his dinner,
I go back to the kitchen bench and start to prepare dinner for me and Zola I know Derek doesn't like us eating with him so I go to take it to the lounge
D: where are you going?
He snaps as I go to go past him
M: I'm taking mine and Zola's dinner out to the lounge
I explain trying not to scoundrel scared, Derek isn't always this mean normally I have to do something wrong for him to be angry but he must have had a made day
D: no I want Zola to have dinner with go get her please
I smile, and quickly place the plates on the table before going to get Zola
M: thank you Derek, I love when we eat as a family I exclaim carefully putting Zola in her high chair, as I look at the table though I'm slightly confused Derek's foods is there and so is Zola's but l can't see my plate
D: if your looking for your plate I put it back in the kitchen, I said I wanted Zola to have dinner with me to you pig
M: oh
I sigh
M: please Derek I'm really hungry
I beg looking at him,
D: how can you be hungry look at this
He says grabbing into my stomach,
D: nothing but fat rolls, and now you have no way to burn them off seeing as you now are lazy and sit in that chair all day long
He spit this time squeezing the skin he's grabbed
M: please Derek you hurting me
I start to cry
M: I'm not being laz...
I start but am quickly stopped but his hand slapping across my check.
D: you are disgusting and lazy Meredith, but I know you have to eat so I will decide what you can have once I'm finished
He spits letting go off me and returning to his food.
I stopped myself from crying and turn back to Zola who is grabbing for her dinner
M: here... here you go my love
I stammer starting to feed Zola her dinner.
Once Zola finished significantly earlier then Derek and I take her back to the lounge to let her play in her play pen before returning to the table under Derek's request. Finally after what feels like forever he finished.
D: hmmm... now what to give you for dinner
I ponders aloud
M: please Derek I'm starving, me and Arizona had an early lunch..
I freeze as soon as I say that, I'm not supposed to have lunch without him, shit shit, I turn my head away from him.
D: you had lunch did you
He asks angrily grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.
I just nod
D: speak to me when you answer my questions!!!
He yells slapping me across the face again.
M: yes
I reply quickly
D: well in that case let me go prepare you some dinner
He laughs before walking into the kitchen. A minute later he returns with a small plate with a slice of toast on it, except I can't tell what's smeared on the toast.
D: here's your dinner
M: what's on the toast
I ask scared,
D: apricot jam
He laughs, and my heart sinks
M: Der I'm allergic to apricots
D: oh whoops guess I forgot, I suppose if your that hungry you can eat it or maybe it's a good way to loose weight.
He laughs putting the plate down on the table, I sigh packing up his dishes before returning to the kitchen. I look at where the left over spaghetti it and realise he's turned the stove back on and it's all burnt, I guess it's another night without dinner. It's not too bad though he's kinda right I mean I can't do any exercise maybe I should be more careful about what I eat.

Authors Note
Once again hope you enjoyed please leave a comment with suggestions or just telling me you like it seeing comment motivates me to keep going and helps me know if you guys are liking the story.

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