34- Oops

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An hr later

Arizona's POV

Meredith sleep for about an hour on my lap before she started to stir, as she did I started to run my fingers through her hair but as I did I saw her wince and stopped immediately.
"What happened?" Meredith asked as she began to look around the lounge room. She quickly shot up before looking at me, I could see her muscles relax as she realised it was me that we there with her.
You fell asleep, Mer, it's ok." I answered smiling at her, "can you tell me what Derek did?" I asked I didn't want to pry but I wanted to make sure she was safe.
At first she looked at me fear in her eyes but then she looked down before showing my her hands, I gasped as I saw them. One was pure red and blistering and the other was a mix of red and purple at the fingers.
"Did Derek do this?" I asked shocked, I knew he was bad but this this was, oh poor Mer.
"Yes." She whispered looking down,
"Hey, look at me it's ok, can you tell me what he did?" I asked resting my hand on her leg.
"He.. um.. he was angry that I had been um signing with you and um Zola, he has um told me not to um I know better.. but he said that I needed to be punished... he um well first he um dragged me to the um kitchen.. he um grabbed my hair that's why I flinched when you ran your hand through it."
She explained and my heart broke more with every word she said.
"Then he um he told me he didn't want me talking to you so he um smashed my phone... that's why I didn't text you I was going to I promise. Im sorry" she said looking at me, her big blue eyes welling with tears.
"Hey I don't mind you don't have to be sorry it's ok" I explained, I hate that she feels she has to apologise for everything.
" then he, um pulled me again to the stove where he, um pushed my hands down on the stove top, it hurt so much I um kicked him in the shin.. which made him more angry, so then he... um crushed my fingers with his foot." She explained tears falling from her eyes.
"Oh Meri, can I see it again?" I asked, I'm concerned it's broken, as I look at it I think I'm right, if she wants any chance of doing surgery again we need to get this cast,
"Mer, I think it's broken, we have to go to the hospital." I explain look at her her.
"No...no we can't then he'll know your not even meant to be here. I can't go to the hospital." Meredith replied her words broken by deep breaths as she tried to stop herself from crying
"I know honey, but if we don't get it cast and x-rayed it may not heal correctly and you won't be able to be a surgeon anymore." I cooed, trying to calm her down. "Look we can just go to Callie, we don't need to see anyone else then we can leave, ok?"

Meredith just looks at me but slowly nods,
"Ok where is your wheelchair, I'll go get it for you."
I ask, realising I never got the answer before.
" it's at the hospital" she answered looking down again,
"Why is it at the hospital?" I asked confused, shouldn't she have brought she have brought it home last night?
"Derek was mad, so he made us um..leave quickly and I couldn't get it...I was going to ask you to bring it but then..." she explained
"I know it's ok, I'll figure something out" I answer looking around, she can't use crutches right now cause of her hands, and I've only just my cane.
"I have another one upstairs but it's broken" she whispers
"Ok wait here I'll go have a look" I answer, quickly getting up and making my way to the stairs. It took me a minute to get up the stairs, they are still one of the things I've struggled with, I am very grateful I don't have stairs at home. As I reach the top of the stairs I see the chair Meredith means it's sitting just at the top but one of the handles is broken and the seat is slightly ripped but it'll do just to at least get Meredith to the car, now to get it downstairs.
I carefully try and move it down the first step using the hand rail to support part of my weight and it works, ok this is going to take away but I'll get there.

Once I'm down stairs I help Meredith into the chair and head to the front door to meet the taxi to go to the hospital. The trip was near silent I could tell Meredith was freaking out, I carefully draw patterns on my back as we drove, hoping to calm down. I instructed the taxi driver to drop us around the front and I carefully moved inside with Meredith grabbing a wheelchair from out the front before I went in.
"Hi, can you please page doctor Torres?" I asked
"Sure do you have an appointment?" The nurse asked,
"No but I work here, it'll be fine, just tell her it's for Dr Robbins" I explained,
Sure enough not long after Callie showed up looking at me with concern.
"Arizona are you ok?" She asked concerned as she looked at me.
"I'm fine it's Meredith" I explained point to Meredith who was sitting in the wheel chair behind me.
"Oh, is she ok is there something wrong? Meredith what's going on?" She asked,
"Nothing..." Meredith replied looking down, I looked sadly at her,
"Can we go to a private exam room and I'll explain" I answered, knowing we wouldn't get anywhere if we waited for Meredith to talk.
"Sure" Callie responded, before leading the way to one of the free exam rooms. "Ok, what going on" Callie continued.

Callie's POV
I'm really confused, why are they here,
"Come on Meredith show Callie" Arizona prompted, I looked down at Meredith as she slowly brought her hand up out from her lap. She seemed to hesitant, so I carefully knelt down beside her, getting a closer to look at it.
"Oh my gosh" I gasped as I saw it, as I gasped she retracted her hand, crap. "Hey it's ok, can I see it please" I asked gently mirroring Arizona's tone, I don't know why, I did but I could just feel it was something I should do.
As I looked at the hand it was red and blistered, apart from two fingers which where black and purple, how did this happened, as I examined it I could tell it was definitely broken, and her hand appeared to be burnt. This was also not anything brand new at least 12hrs old I could tell from the bruising.
"Meredith, can I ask how this happened?" I asked trying to remain calm, the tone of my voice felt similar to that you would use for a child once again I don't know why I did it, it just felt natural.
"I um...I... well.. I fell." She answered looking away from me. She fell that didn't make sense she had burns on her hands,
"Honey, what about the burns?" I asked looking up at her,
"Oh um... I fell and I tried to um catch myself and I fell onto the stove top" she stammered, something didn't seem right but as I looked towards Arizona and her look told me to stop asking questions.
"Ok well I need to get an x-ray to see the extent of the break, then we can figure out what to do next. Do you want me to page Derek for you?" I explained, as I turned to start creating a patient file for Meredith.
"No!" She yelled, startling me a bit,
"I mean don't bother him, I'll talk to him when I get home he's so busy." She continued, I was slightly confused but once again a look from Arizona made me stop myself before I continued with questions.
Lucky for us the x-ray machine was free and we where able to take Meredith straight to get her x-ray.
As I looked at the break it wasn't as bad as I had thought it wouldn't require surgery or even really a cast probably just a splint to keep it straight. As I finished putting on the splint she seemed to be getting quite antsy like she was worried about something.
"Everything ok?" I asked worried something was wrong?
"No, it's fine" she replied her shaking leg telling a different story.
"Ok well your all good, I'll prescribe you some pain medication, and try to reduce your use of you hand to allow it to heal. Ok?" I asked as I turned back to finish her patient chart.
"Ok" she replied before practising jumping back into the wheelchair.
"Thanks Callie, I'll see you later?" Arizona said, smiling at me as she left. I went to say something to her but they where already gone.

Three hours later.
My shift has just finished, and I'm exhausted I can't wait to go home and see Ari again. As I headed towards the elevator I saw Derek.
"Hey, how's your day been?" I asked him
"Not to bad, I've got two hrs left how about you?"
He replied
"Just finished, how's Meredith doing by the way?" I asked, I hadn't heard from her or Arizona since they left and I just wanted to check how she way
"Oh same as always, she's doing really well without the leg." He replied not looking up from the case he was studying.
"Oh, I meant her fingers?" I asked confused, had she not called him yet.
"What about her fingers?" He asked snapping his head up to look at me.
"She broke them? Arizona brought her in earlier to get me to look at them, sorry I assumed she'd called you" I answered, shocked I would have thought she'd have called him by now.
"Oh..um..no she must have gotten busy thank you for treating them." He replied smiling at me, something about his smile made me feel a bit uncomfortable but I just brushed it off, hoping of the elevator to go and grab Sofia.

Authors Notes

I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for not posting it as soon as I had promised but I hope the longer chapter makes up for the delay.

Please as always leave me a comment with ideas.

What do you think Derek's going to do now he knows Meredith went to the hospital?

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