8- Somewhere over the rainbow

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Arizona POV
I rushed back to camp, well as fast as my leg would let me, I could feel bits of mud flicking up onto my leg but it didn't matter, once I made it back I saw Derek still sitting next to his best friend but he appeared to be mostly ok, how could I tell him his wife was seriously injured I had just told him she was ok
A: Derek!!
He looked up at me.
A: Derek I found Meredith, she's alive but...
I hesitated,
D: but what?
He asked concerned
A: her leg is smashed under a falling tree the same tree that... has killed Yang. I need to get back to her, are you ok I'm so sorry

Derek's POV-
I saw Arizona coming back to camp, Yang must still be looking for Meredith.
A: Derek,
I called for me so I looked up at her from my position on the ground next to mark
A: Derek I found Meredith, she alive but...
She paused, what had Meredith said, had she told, no she wouldn't be that stupid would she, oh if she did she's going to wish she hadn't.
D: and what
I asked pretending to be concerned and not furious
A: A: her leg is smashed under a falling tree the same tree that... has killed Yang. I need to get back to her, are you ok I'm so sorry
Oh, ok well, at least she didn't tell. She will be devastated without Cristina but maybe that's karma first Lexie then Cristina, Meredith has cost me my career maybe that's karma getting back at her
D: oh is she ok?
I asked realising I have to pretend to care
A: um.. for now yes but we need to be found soon or else I'm not sure she will be
D: oh ok, do you need me to come with you or...
A: no you stay here I just needed to check on you and grab the tourniquet from the medical bag, then I'm going to go back to be with her now,
D: ok please look after her,
I lie I don't care but if I don't act like I do a she will suspect something.
A: of course Derek, everything is going to be ok,

Arizona POV
I assure Derek before running to medical bag grabbing the tourniquet, it's smaller than I hoped but it will do the job if need be. I quickly start to make my way back to Meredith. I'm moving slower now as the pain in my leg is starting to increase I know the infection is getting worse. I really hope they find us soon, as I think about it I realise we are going onto our fourth day out here. We are getting dangerously close to running out of water and food, plus I hate to say it but Lexie and marks bodies and I suppose soon Cristina's is starting to turn. As I reach Meredith, I can see she I starting to fall asleep,
A: Meredith!!
I yell knowing she already had a concussion and she most likely hit her head again when the tree fell. I can't let her fall asleep.
A: Meredith, I know your tired but you probably have a concussion so I can't let you sleep can you stay awake for me
M: mmm...
A: come on Meredith I know you can do it
M: ok, I can stay awake.
A: ok thank you, your doing so well,
I look over at her leg, it's not getting better and I can see there is blood starting to pool around the bottom of the tree meaning she's loosing blood under the tree, I had hoped that the tree could be at least blocking her from bleeding out, but I guess not so much for my comment earlier about Meredith being indestructible.
A: Meredith honey, your leg is bleeding. If we aren't found soon I'm going to need to stop the bleed and the only way to do that...
M: it's ok Arizona I know,
A: ok
I smile sadly at her, I really hope they find us soon for Meredith's sake. The sun has well and truely set now and the temperature is starting to drop, I can see Meredith shivering, I pull myself closer to her sharing my jacket and hoping we can keep each other warm.
A: Meredith can you tell me, a story about Zola that should keep us awake
Meredith begins to tell a story as I look into her eyes, I can see the emotions hiding behind them

(The Next Morning)
A: look Meredith we made it through the night
I was a long night but we got through,
M: mmm....
Meredith moans, we both know what we need to do but neither of us want to say it.
M: zona... I... think...
Meredith is now crying, although the nickname makes me feel warm inside I know it's coming from a place of deep fear in Meredith
A: are you sure
Meredith just nods,
A: ok
I position myself to the side of Meredith and start to fasten the tourniquet around her leg, we both know in order to stop the bleeding I'm going to have to restrict blood flow to the lower part of her leg or what's left of it anyway, once I do this it's permanent, the leg with start to die. But I had to be done. I fasten the tourniquet, tightening it until I know she's going to start to feel it
A: ok Meredith this is going to hurt, I'm sorry
I tighten it the rest of the way, having to continue as I hear Meredith scream
A: I'm sorry, it's ok
I soothed her, trying to provide any sort of comfort I could, I knew the pain wasn't going to stop anytime soon,
A: shsh,
I continue to try and comfort her, I'm not sure how much it's working, but I don't know what to do, I think about different ways I could sooth her and start to sing to her, I'm not sure if it's working but I try anyway.

Meredith's POV
My leg is throbbing the pain increased in my leg as Arizona put the tourniquet on it I knew it would happen but that doesn't help, I can hear Arizona trying to comfort me and it is helping a little her voice is so calming, then I hear her singing to me.
A: Somewhere over the rainbow, Way up high, There's a land that I heard of, Once in a lullaby
As she sings it starts to soothe me, I remain careful not to fall asleep but although I can still feel the pain, I can feel myself calming down.

A: Somewhere over the rainbow, Skies are blue, And, the dreams that you dare to dream, Really do come true, Someday I'll wish upon a star, And wake up, where the clouds are far behind me, Where troubles melt like lemon drops

(7hrs later)
Arizona POV
It's been 7hrs now and I'm not sure how much longer we are going to last out here. Meredith seems to have calmed down a bit, we've been chatting and I've sung her a few more songs they definitely have helped calm her down. Suddenly I hear a strange sounds above, looking up I realise...

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