15. Whats Next

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Meredith's POV
C: Meredith I need to tell you something

Oh no, what's happened it something to do with Arizona, no I can't loose her too. Oh god
C: hey, hey Meredith hey look at me.
I felt someone's hand on my back
C: Hey, look at me Arizona is ok she alive,
I sighed, relieved to here Arizona was ok but as I realised that if she was alive that meant something had happened.
M: Callie what happened
C: she developed an infection, at first I thought I was going to have to amputate her leg as the infection had started to call sepsis but when I opened her up in surgery I was able to avoid an amputation but I did have to remove parts of the muscle in her leg.
As Callie explained to me what had happened to Arizona I was relieved and also worried, I'm very grateful Callie told me, I mean Callie is Arizonas girlfriend she didn't need to tell me but she did.
M: thank you Callie.
C: no worries Mer, you get some rest ok.
Callie smiled at me before leaving the room, as she left I also passed Zola to Izzie who left with Miranda as well leaving me along in my room.

As I thought about Arizona my mind started to race, it was all my fault. Derek was my right everything is my fault god I'm such an idiot. It's my fault Cristina died it's my fault my baby girl now had a cripple for a mother it's my fault Arizona had to have part of her leg muscle removed. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have moved around the forest, the dirt wouldn't have gotten into her leg, she wouldn't have the infection it's all my fault. I could feel the tears starting to build up in my eyes, but I couldn't let them fall I didn't deserve to be upset this was all my fault. I had to suck it up that's what mum always said, crying was for those who earned it not those who caused it.

Meanwhile in Arizonas room,
Callie's POV
Arizona was laying peacefully in her bed, for a second I almost though I was going to loose her, but I'm so glad I didn't. I felt her move slightly under my hands and I realised she was waking up.

Arizona POV
I could feel myself waking up, I wasn't completely sure what was going on but I could feel Callie hand on mine, as I started to wake up more I realised that my leg was no longer hurting, there had been a full pain for the last two days, but now it was gone. As I thought about it more I started to panic, what if they had cut it off no I needed my leg they can't cut it off. Suddenly I felt Callie move my hand to her chest and I could feel her breathing, I breathed with her until I calmed down then looked up at Callie.
C: hey my love, it's ok
A: my leg it doesn't hurt did they?
I asked afraid to look down
C: no, I didn't cut of your leg Arizona it's ok.
A: oh, then why doesn't it hurt
C: you got an infection, that's what was causing the pain, when I got in there I noticed that it wasn't too bad, I didn't have to amputate your leg.
A: oh thank you, so I'm ok nothing else if wrong with my leg
C: not exactly, I didn't have to amputate but the infection had gotten into the muscle so I had to remove part of it, I'm sorry Ari.
It took me some time to process what Callie had said and as I looked down at my leg I say she was right it was still there but there was a new scar on it that ran right down besides the old one. As I looked back at Callie, my head was full of emotions, but Callie just came beside me and held me.

Two Days Later
Third person POV inside Meredith's room 
Dr Bailey was in checking on Meredith and preparing her to go home, of course Meredith had a lot of physical therapy and prosthetic preparations to go through but she didn't need to stay in the hospital. She had started to talk again although she still wasn't saying but it was enough to get her cleared.
Mi: ok Meredith, I want you to rest at home no strenuous movements and get Derek to help you whenever you need ok.
M: ok
Mi: your strong Meredith you'll get through this
Miranda explained before smiling at Meredith and helping her into her wheelchair.
Miranda wheeled Meredith to the door where Derek was waiting for her,
Mi: goodbye Meredith I'll see you tomorrow for your first PT sessions

Miranda left as Derek wheeled Meredith to the care and pretended to help her in. Once they where in the car and on their way home Derek turned to Meredith.
D: Now listen to me cripple, this changed nothing the house is a mess and expect you to clean it when we get home understand!
He yelled at Meredith who simple nodded, using his free hand Derek reached over and slapped Meredith.
D: how many times must I tell you to use your words you idiot!
Derek yelled at her
M: sorry Derek, I'll start cleaning as soon as I get home.
Meredith replied trying not to cry, he was right she didn't listen and she was an idiot, she didn't deserve to cry she just needed to be better for Derek.

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