─── [S1] Begin

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Season 1

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Season 1

The sound of trees swaying and their branches filled with leaves crashing onto nearby trees sounded peaceful to the h/c hired girl. The birds would occasionally chirp as some flew from the oak trees while others attended to their new chicks that had just hatched in their nest. She listened to the wind blowing near her ear and watched as the clouds passed by in the bright blue sky.

Her forehead began to collect beads of sweat as the blazing sun shined down on her figure. With her back resting on the uncomfortable road, she began to wonder just how long she had been laying, waiting for somebody to bring her back to reality.

Her movements were so still that if anyone were to spot her they'd think she was one of them; a rotter. A cruel vicious flesh eating monsters who preyed on the living, wiping out almost every human civilization. Their only goal is to eat, no matter how big their stomachs would be bugling.

The dry bloody clothes, hair matted, exposed skin covered in dry smeared blood and dirt only added to her looking like one.

Beside her left arm was her dirty bag that she used for all her school years and a pistol. Only an empty water bottle rested inside the bag. If she had to guess, she'd say it's been at least a few hours since she's seen her family. She's positive that none of them survive the massive horde that shredded her family's farm.

She felt hopeless, but most importantly a coward. She should have stayed longer, fought longer. Maybe if she had stayed then someone would still be alive or she would have at least gotten the chance to say a final goodbye, but she didn't. She could still hear their shrilling voices echoing in her ear as they pleaded for help.

Her tired eyes slowly blinked as a bird that had left its nest flew away. Her left fingers twitched as her instinct kicked when she heard approaching footsteps. However, she didn't bother getting up and instead let herself relax, hoping that a rotter was the one coming for her so she could see her family again.

But the world had different plans as the sun was blocked and her eyes came in contact with a pair of lively green eyes, concerningly looking down on her.

His green locks are matted, eyebags are formed just above his freckles, a dirty faded yellow bag rests on his shoulders, and he's holding a wooden r39 rifle with a scope. His dark clothing and even his bright red shoes are dirty.

His eyes scanned her exposed skin and when no bite or scratch was revealed and the sign of her chest moved he let out a soft sigh of relief escaping his lips, "Are you okay?"

He took a step to his side, having the sun blind her eyes. She reached an arm to cover her eyes as she sat up, her back bones feeling relieved to be off the concrete floor. She took in a breath, feeling rather hopeless to see another human, "I'm fine."

He could sense her feeling so he encouraged a small smile to fall on his lips, but his eyes then moved when her left arm reached to grab her pistol. He quickly kicked the gun away before aiming his own rifle at her, his finger inches away from the trigger, "I don't want to do it, so please, don't make me."

The girl looked up at him, her hand going back to her side, "Relax. If you're going to shoot, then do it, but just know anybody from a mile away will hear you."

She then looked towards the gun, "Besides, the chamber empty."

He looked unconvinced and approached the gun. His back was never turned to her even when he let his rifle down to check the chamber. To his surprise, she was right, it was completely empty.

He again let out a sigh, placing his rifle back on his shoulder and looking at the girl, "Sorry, you can never be too careful these days. Bad enough we have the dead walking. Last thing we need is for people to attack each other."

She tried sitting up, in the process she had winced when she had forgotten she sprained her ankle. He quickly moved to her and helped her get her footing, "Why'd you pick up the gun if you knew nothing was in there?"

She shrugged, her ankle slightly hurting, but it wasn't anything too bad she couldn't handle, "I guess I just wanted to give you some sort of comfort. Don't know."

He removed his hand from her once she was able to stand on her own and reached to grab her bag before giving it to her, the gun next. He noticed her bag wasn't heavy. If someone were to be one their own he figured the person would be stocked with supplies, but he also realized where she stood. On a road possibly an hour away from Musutafu, "Are you alone?"

She nodded, grabbing her bag and placing it on her shoulders, "Alone with my fellow bugs."

The comment wasn't meant to be funny, but it had the male smiling, "Do you know where you're heading?"

"Wherever this road leads to." She shrugged, unsure of what to say and wondering how he could smile when he felt like he threatened just minutes ago.

He may have just met her so he didn't truly know her, but one thing is sure, he didn't want to be alone. That's no way for a human to live and he was getting bored of having nothing to share like he did with his friends, who he hoped were still alive.

"Well," His smile was still on display, "I don't have a camp and I'm all alone. I also don't really know where to go, but I do plan on leaving the city since it's more prone for the dead. It would be nice to have company, so...do you want to come with me?"

She looked at him. A part of her wanted to go back to her farm, but she didn't know if the rotters were still lingering and she couldn't take them all herself. She honestly hoped that someone in her family at least made it out, but judging from what she saw, her hope was lost.

Even if she wanted to go back, she didn't know what direction to take. She ran with no looking back until she gave up to exhaustion, leaving her lying on the road she stood at. Maybe this was a sign that this was the end of her journey with them. Her family, and her fathers lesson will always be engraved in her black heart, but she should let bygones be bygones.

Her family would understand and she of course wouldn't want to take the male, who stood in front of her concerningly eyeing her as she hasn't responded to his question, back to her family's farm and endanger him. He looked too kind for death.

"Okay." She said, placing her pistol on the waistband of her jeans, "I'll go with you, by the way, I'm F/n L/n."

His shoulders sag, feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks, "Izuku Midoriya." 

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