A stroke of luck

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They laid the map on top of the red car. They gathered around it, looking for a city they haven't yet entered. What they needed was at least a month or two of supplies so they don't have to keep scavenging every second.

"We split up." Izuku proposed and pointed to the town they were near, "Three of us go here while the other three go to the one that's next to it. One group looks for food while the other looks for medical supplies."

"No." Eijiro shook her head, "We don't need medical sup-"

"The hell are you talking about?" Katsuki looked at him, "You're telling me that the community survives by not having any? What kind of dumb idea is that?"

"No, listen, we have a system." They all looked as Denki as he spoke and raised four fingers, "One looks for food, that's us. The second looks for medical supplies. The third looks for weapons. The fourth looks for other stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" F/n said, her arms being crossed.

Eijiro named a few, "Notebooks, books, jars, pencil, sign-"

"Miscellaneous." Shoto said to which Eijiro nodded. "Exactly."

"I still think we should go to different towns." Izuku said, "Find what we can hold, what can fit in our cars."

"At least we won't waste time." Shoto agreed.

"Nah." F/n shook her head, "It does sound like an idea, but what happens if we run into trouble? Our weapons won't last. We won't be near, we won't have help. One fall then the others will. It's just a matter of time. Besides, why go far when we can just scavenge those around the same town."

"And you think your idea is any better?" Katsuki retorted.

"I'm not hearing any other." She looked at him, "We're taking the safe option."

"Maybe we should just stay together. If we think about it, we need someone to keep watch or assuming the store's door is broken someone'll have to find something to barricade it. Then most of us will need to get rid of the dead." Shoto proposed, "And if someone gets hurt we'll need someone to carry that person along with the supplies."

"You think someone might get hurt?" Katsuki scoffed at him, "What, do you have no fucking faith in us? You think we're weak?"

"I'm stating the obvious." Shoto glared at him, "We've gotten hurt many times and that was with just us four. We got two more now. It's a bigger group."

As the two argued, F/n nodded at Denki, "How many runs have you been on."

"This'll be our fourth." He replied.

"Your fourth?" Izuku was a bit surprised, "Okay, wow. I figured you'd done this many times."

"We have jobs." Eijiro looked at the map, "We only took over because the last group died. They never made it back after their third run."

F/n scratched her brow before letting out a sigh, "We'll make sure that doesn't happen and we should get going, we're wasting daylight."

The others nod and get into their vehicles. One by one following each other. Like last time, Eijiro and Katsuki stayed together with the red-head driving while the blonde took a nap. In the truck, Denki drove as he chatted with Izuku. Behind them, F/n drove with Shoto looking at the map again.

"Man, I'm so hungry." Denki whined as his stomach rumbled, "I can't wait to get home so I can eat a warm meal."

Izuku, who looked out the window, hummed, "What's it like? The community?"

"Well it's big." Denki smiled, "And there's a lot of people but not enough to make it crowded, and there's even a farm. We have warm showers-"

"Showers?" That caught Izuku's attention.

"Yeah!" Denki chuckled, "I couldn't believe it at first but almost everything works. Although, I still don't know how it works, but it works. It's almost like how it used to be. You guys will love it."

"We'd love anything if it meant not staying out here for another long month." He looked at the side mirror where the rusty red car was following them, "And with winter right around the corner, I doubt we'd even survive."

Denki's smile faltered, "We were lucky to have run into you guys."

Izuku hummed.

They parked near the grocery store. It was big, like a warehouse, which relieved the group, but the open entrance gate didn't and neither did the few dead walking by. However, the cars parked in the lot did help give them courage.

Izuku stabbed a dead before it could draw the others to them. He then placed it on the floor so the fall wouldn't get the attention of the dead that're near. Next to him, the others crouched beside a car as they quickly came up with a plan.

"You and you with me." F/n pointed at Shoto and Izuku, "We push forward and avoid using guns. I'm in the middle and you two are by the sides."

"Hold on, you'll be taking more dead." Eijiro pointed out.

"I'm faster." She then continued, "You three will be behind and in case we miss one or one just happens to show up, Katsuki will take care of it. We want to avoid drawing noise that's why me, Izuku and Shoto will go first."

"So, I'm back up." Katsuki rolled his eyes at that, "Me being in front other than Deku will go easier."

"You're back up and no one dies. Eijiro will get the gate while we get rid of the others." She gave him a quick glare before looking at the others, "Ready?"

With a nod they proceed forward. Each of their knives punctured the rotter's skull. Since Shoto's knife was beginning to get dull, it would get stuck every time he used it. He would kick the dead so the knife would get unstuck. He hated it and grunted when he shoved one away.

Izuku wiped some blood that had gotten on his cheek and groaned as it smeared. He quickly paid attention when a dead tried to sneak up on F/n. He grabbed it before it could get any closer. Its shirt ripped but he managed to stab it before it got away.

Her arm felt sore. Dead after dead, she would stab it harsher and pull away even harder. Her hands were covered in blood and her shirt began to get bloody as well. Just a few more steps and they would soon reach the doors.

She got a little farther ahead and took the last rotter before calling to the others. When they were all inside Eijiro quickly pulled the gate down which drew little noise while Denki began to help the others by using the back of his gun. F/n, Shoto and Izuku helped Katsuki get rid of the others inside.

One was held down by boxes as it laid on top of it. It grabbed F/n's leg but she slammed her other foot down on the head until it was mushy. She sneered as it got on her shoes and maggots began to crawl out.

"Done!" Izuku yelled as took the last one near their section.

Katsuki sniffled and wiped his nose, "It's huge there might be more further back. Creepy little shits are probably hiding."

"We take sections then." F/n proposed, "Together."

Denki's whistle caught their attention, "We hit the damn jackpot."

Although it was messy and dusty there were many products. A lot. Probably more than it could fit in their vehicles. It made them all happy, that's for sure. This could last for months, heck maybe a year. All they knew was that they didn't need to venture out further. No more people missing and no more people dying. 

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