Because all life is precious

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Quickly sitting up and listening intently to make sure it's not her mind playing tricks on her she waited until she heard the voice again. To her displeasure, she heard it again. "Yeah, make sure the door actually closes this time, dumbass."

Thinking quickly, she grabbed her crowbar and then quietly walked towards Izuku. She then shook and whispered to him as she could hear the footsteps getting closer, "Izuku, there's someo–"

Springing from his bed, Izuku grabbed his rifle, "I heard it too."

They both stared at the window as a shadow figured walked by. Izuku got up from his bed and grabbed F/n's bag along with his then ushered her, "Get under the bed and stay there."

She shook her head, "What about you? There's two of them."

"I'll think of something, now get under the bed." Izuku quietly ordered her.

Reluctantly, she shoved herself under her bed with her bag and crowbar. She peeked from the beds covers and saw Izuku putting his dirty shoes on and walking behind the door. She could see his trembling figure holding his rifle with his finger on the trigger.

As the voices got closer, scenarios started to run through F/n's head. Izuku getting beaten, him getting tortured, her getting discovered and tortured, or worst of all she watches as Izuku gets murdered in front of her.

F/n grabbed a fistfull of her hair and silently muttered to herself, "He can't do it."

Before she could move away from the bed and replace Izuku with herself, she froze as the doorknob turned. She could hear Izuku's rifle making noises as Izuku trembled.

She had a death grip on her crowbar when one of the voices spoke, both were males. "The hell, the doors lock."

"You think someone's in there?" One asked cautiously.

Izuku flinched when he heard pounding coming from the door, sweat started to appear on his form. "If someone's in there, come out! We don't want any trouble, we just need a place to spend the night."

"What are you doing?!" A harsh yet hush voice was heard. The following was the male who pounded the door, "Well if someone's in there we might as well do something about it."

"They could be dangerous."

"Not a problem." F/n could almost feel their smirk as the male spoke, "We can take them out."

F/n peeked her head out of the bed and caught Izuku's eyes. She motioned for him to get under the bed, though Izuku shook his head and motioned back to keep low. But they both stared at the door as a rough kick was heard.

Shit, F/n thought and hid back under, they're gonna kick open the door and alert anyone else nearby.

F/n was scared of being killed. If this were to happen a few days ago when she was lying on the road, she would have opened them with wide arms. But now it's different because Izuku's here.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now