And so it begins

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

The RV wasn't fancy but it wasn't bad either. Dust had begun to form but with a quick swipe of a cloth and opening the windows, the RV looked new; sort of. The blankets seemed a bit torn but they weren't complaining.

A bed was placed in the back, where Shoto had knocked out the second he rested his head. Next to him was Izuku who slept soundly yet was twisted in an awkward manner. In the kitchen area, Katsuki slept on the couch with his arm covering his face. The table that turned into a small bed was where F/n slept.

Except she couldn't sleep. The sound of thunder was too loud for her to sleep and the growls that came from the rotters didn't help. She kept eyeing the door to the RV and although it was securely locked, she couldn't help but let images form in her head.

She was sitting up with her gun and knife next to her. She looked through the blinds as rotters confusingly walked by. She let out a quiet chuckle as she found it kind of funny when the rotters would look around every time a thunder would strike.

"Is the dead you're sort of entertainment, now?" Katsuki asked which startled F/n. "Thought you were asleep."

"And I thought you were asleep." Katsuki then sat up, "S'hard fucking sleeping when you never know when one of those freaks will come at you."

Katsuki let the thunder pass before he spoke again, "Why are you up?"

F/n shrugged, "I hate thunder."

Katsuki smirked, "Thunder scares you but not the dead? Where the hell did you crawl from?"

F/n glared at him, "I never said I was scared of thunder. I just hate it. Big difference."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Was all Katsuki said and both listened to the sound of heavy rain. While F/n stared at the rotters, Katsuki was having trouble fighting with his thoughts. He eventually let them out, "Why do you hate thunder?"

"Because it's loud and annoying," F/n said without glancing at him and instead staring at the rotters, "and every time there was thunder, my sister would sleep in my bed and kick me all night while hogging my blanket. Now, it just feels so wrong sleeping without her next to me."

Was this the first time she had brought up her family? Katsuki couldn't remember, "You miss your sister kicking you?"

F/n nodded with a dejected look, still watching the rotters pass by, "...It made me feel like I'm alive."

Screaming at his thoughts, Katsuki got up from his seat. F/n turned her head when she felt the thin bed dip and saw Katsuki settle next to her, "What are you doing?"

"Having no sleep will do us both no good." Katsuki said as he moved her gun and knife to the floor.

"So you want to sleep with me?" F/n confusingly asked.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now