Musutafu, we'll meet again

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

F/n and Izuku's feet staggered from walking and wanting to rest underneath a shade. For some reason, today seemed hotter than yesterday as the sun burned their skin and sweat runned down their foreheads, back and neck.

Izuku had to take off his jacket and wrap it around his waist. He opted on taking off his shirt but he didn't want to make F/n uncomfortable and instead suffered as the black shirt clung onto him.

F/n had also taken her jacket off and placed it in her bag. She fanned herself and wiped the sweat off her neck that rolled down underneath her shirt making her very annoyed.

Just as she was furiously wiping her forehead and groaning, she heard the male next to her talk.

"...Now leaving Musutafu..."

Glancing at the sign that stood off the road and looking back at Izuku, she could tell he didn't want to leave. The tone of his voice had said it all, or maybe it was partially due to not drinking anything as the heat made them thirsty.

Unlike Izuku, F/n didn't care that she was leaving. She had nothing to hang on as the town was now worthless from the dead roaming. No memories. No friends. And especially, no family.

"Let's go. We'll find better luck in the next town." Izuku said as walked away.

F/n followed, occasionally glancing at Izuku's face as she could tell something was in his mind. His lips and eyebrows would sometimes furrow and she had a feeling she knew what he was thinking, "I had to do it y'know."

Izuku side eyed her and listened while she continued, "You haven't said anything since last night. I'd figure you were in shock or scared or trying to process things. It's not everyday where you get to kill someone."

She then looked at him, meeting his eyes, "You have to understand that if I hadn't done something it would've been you. I knew you couldn't pull the trigger, you're too...kind."

Izuku sighed as he looked to the ground, a bit hurt from her comment, "I know."

Not saying anything else they both looked ahead seeing that they had reached a new town as houses were coming in view. They glanced at each house to see which one was still in best conditions so they could stay the night.

Most of the house had broken windows or opened front doors. Because the two didn't have stamina or enough strength, they wanted a safe place to sleep and not think of any danger.

"Here's this one." F/n pointed at a small two-story tan house. They climbed up the stairs from the front porch and tried to look inside through the windows. Izuku wiped the window as his breath fogged it, "I don't see anything, the living room looks too neat."

F/n removed herself from the window and watched as Izuku walked to the front door, "You think someone's camping here?"

Shrugging, Izuku turned the doorknob but seeing as the door wouldn't open he lifted his leg to kick it through. However, F/n stopped him, "Don't. We don't want to sleep somewhere with a broken door. Maybe a window was left unlocked."

F/n then moved to a window that showed a kitchen while Izuku moved to the back of the house. She tried sliding the window but it wouldn't budge and figured it was locked so she moved to the next window but again it didn't budge.

She then looked around and noticed Izuku was gone. Moving away from the front porch, she headed to the backyard, "Izuku?"

As she continued to walk she didn't hear the footsteps coming from behind her. She jumped as a hand placed itself on her shoulder and lifted her crowbar to attack but she let out a sigh of relief once she noticed Izuku, "Dude, you can't sneak up on me like that. You forget what world we live in?"

Izuku sheepishly scratched his nape, "Sorry, I called your name."

F/n oh'd at that and asked him if he found a way inside. Izuku smiled at her and moved in front of her, "Actually, I found something even better, come."

Following Izuku to the backyard they both stood over trapdoors that lead them to a basement. F/n shrugged her shoulders, "It's a basement. What about it?"

Izuku waved his index finger with a smile, "It's not just a basement. Open it and go inside."

F/n curiously looked at him and jokingly asked, "Is this the part where you kill me?"

Izuku softly chuckled at her and shook his head, "No, I promise, just look inside."

With one last look at Izuku, she opened the entrance and slowly walked down the stairs. Upon reaching the basement floor, she noticed an old antique lantern perched on a shelf. She slightly jumped as Izuku had closed the basement trapdoors and watched as Izuku climbed down the stairs.

He then pointed to the farthest wall, "We don't need to scavenge."

F/n looked to where he pointed at, her eyes lit up as she saw a rack full of canned food and supplies. She walked to it and grabbed a can scanning it. While she did this Izuku stood next to her, "Someone must've been a prepper."

She noticed as some dust started to collect on the cans, "How do you know that whoever did this isn't going to come back for this?"

"Ah," Izuku pulled a paper from his back pocket and showed it to her, "Whoever did this left a note."

Grabbing the note from his hands she read the note out loud, "'Good luck."

She then flipped the note to see if there was anything else, "Kinda vague don't you think?"

Izuku shrugged, "Figured we can stay here till the supplies run out. The backyard has a gate so it's safe. We can lay low for a couple of days, maybe weeks before we begin to look for a store. The only problem is looking for ammo and weapons..."

F/n smiled at Izuku who mumbled off, "Yep, this place will do."

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