The other side

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

His heavy breathing was loud as it echoed through the small closet room. He was cold as they had stripped him of his jacket six days ago and left him with only his shirt, jeans and socks. A thin yarn of a ripped up blanket was his only source of warmth, but that did little to help as he shivered.

Thanks to the cloth binded around his eyes, Shoto had been kept in the dark even when he ate as they would feed him scraps as well as giving him water though the liquid would mostly drip down his chin, gathering around the hem of his shirt.

His hands were also tied behind his back though it wasn't as tightly as he suspected. In all honesty, it felt like he was being cared for as whoever would bring him food took their time in giving it to him.

He would have been alarmed and he is, but a part of him suspected it was his eldest brother, Touya, though he now went by Dabi. The younger male has tried to have his caregiver speak to him, but all he was met with was silence.

He was left with his thoughts everyday. There were times where he wanted to cry as all he could think about was his mentor dying, his friend dying, and lastly, his family. Being alone had memories of which he thought he sealed away come back up.

The face of his mother's bloody face, his brother's corpse, his sister being eaten alive and his father being gunned down. He was alone and he hated being alone. He wanted someone to be here with him, someone to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

He wanted his mother. He desperately wanted her. He just wanted to go back to his family, his dysfunctional family. But even then, he was still alone.

The door was suddenly banged on, causing the restless male to jump as he had no idea what was going on. The door hinged open and the male was yanked to his feet where he was then shoved forward, a tight grip on his arm was the only thing keeping him in place.

He was rather annoyed at being pushed, but he wouldn't comment as he needed to hear his surroundings. A few people were chattering, laughing, and doors were opening. He could slightly see through the dark cloth since the bridge of his nose had left a small opening.

He squinted as he looked through it, trying to get a clear image of what he was looking at. He knew he was still inside the building as he could feel the cold floor underneath his clothed feet. There were times where he slipped due to how fast he was walking though he was quickly yanked back to his feet.

He then felt himself stop moving and a door in front of him could be heard opening. Through the same small opening, he could tell he was being moved outside as the sunlight peeked through. His feet ached as he went down some stairs and onto some gravel. He needed a break but he doubted he'd get that as his grunts made no effort.

He then heard rattling and he was then shoved to his knees as he was sure they were scrapped due to the rocks underneath him. His attention was then caught to the sounds of snarls, his sense was on high alert and he tried to get up though he was harshly pushed back down.

The snarls caused him to panic but he kept it under control, letting out heavy breaths. As he did so, from the other side of the gate, Tomura walked with Dabi by his side, a mischievous glint in his eye as they both looked at the younger male, sitting in the middle of the surrounded gates with tied up rotters trying to get him, "Family is important, afterall."

Dabi's eye twitched as he could see his brother almost about to be devoured. He kept calm as he knew Tomura wanted to get a reaction out of him and the raven male wasn't going to let that happen.

The man in charge grinned as he looked at his men and nodded. The two men understood and quickly grabbed Dabi, disarming him and dragged him inside the gates ignoring the yells that came out of him and where they then shoved him towards Shoto and lastly closing the gates behind them.

The older brother quickly got on his feet, undid Shoto's binds and looked at Tomura, "Is this what you want!?"

Shoto groaned due to the sun blinding his eyes as they had been covered for days. He let his eyes get used to the sunlight, but his eyes widened as he glared at the rotters in front, "What the hell is going on!?"

Tomura once again nodded to his men. The same ones who shoved Dabi let the ropes that were tied to the dead go. The dead now had free range and they aimed straight to the brothers who quickly got in position to defend themselves.

"Act cool, alright?" Dabi quietly spoke so only Shoto could hear, "I'll get us out of this."

Shoto scoffed, his eyes never leaving the dead, "Like you did last time?"

"Keep your shit cool." Dabi huffed out.

Tomura laughed as one of the dead almost grabbed Dabi's clothes, "Stay alive and maybe I'll think about not killing you! Hell, maybe I'll keep you both!"

When the first rotter approached Dabi, the taller male grabbed its arm, not letting the fact the arms were mushy bother him as the male held onto it tightly then lifted his leg to kick it's stomach. The rotter fell back, its arms were disconnected as Dabi held it. He then broke both of the arms in half, the crunching caused Shoto's eyes to briefly glance his way.

He was disgusted, "What are you doing?"

Dabi pulled a bone out and passed it to him, "Getting us out alive."

The bloody bone felt uncomfortable in Shoto's hand. He wanted to throw it away and shake his hand so the feeling of it would disappear. He could also feel a bit of flesh that clung onto it. He honestly felt like he wanted to cut his hand off right after.

A dead snarling brought Shoto back as the male wasted no time in sticking the bone through the eye socket. He yanked it back out, shoving the rotter into the arms of another as a different dead quickly came up to him. He proceeded to do the same, though this time stabbing it through the side of the head, just above the ears.

He regretted it instantly as blood squirted everywhere, getting on his already dirty shirt. He grimaced, wanting to wipe his face, "Can't you tell him to stop!?"

Dabi grunted as he killed one then shoving it away, "Don't you think I would have done that by now!?"

"It's your damn people!" Shoto angrily said as he could feel himself getting tired as it seemed the dead were too stubborn to die.

Dabi scoffed and mutter underneath his breath to where only he could hear himself, "As if I had a fucking choice."

Before Shoto could manage to kill another one, bullets came flying at them. They both lifted their hands to protect their head as they stayed down trying to not let a bullet hit them. One had managed to graze Shoto's arm and he let out a hiss as he could feel his blood gliding down his arm.

Tomura let out a laugh as his rifle had run out of ammo. He killed the remaining rotters and signaled his men to open the gates and let the brothers out, unkindly. For now, he would keep Shoto as he was a collateral to Sorston. As long as the male was within his reach, Sorston had everything to fear as Tomura was sure Nezu didn't want any of his people dying.

He walked towards them, his boots crunching on the skull of the dead. He maliciously grinned as he placed a hand on the younger male, a glint in his eyes as he spoke, "Welcome to your new family!"

Dabi eyed them as he wiped his nose to remove the rotter's blood. There was a moment where he envisioned himself, months ago, standing in the same spot with that same glare and being drenched in blood.

He had no choice but to stay as if anyone were to leave; they'd be hunted down and be on display for everyone to see. He had to play the long game, waiting for the right moment and that moment came as Dabi stared at his younger brother.

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