Gone but not forgotten

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Jolting in the bed, F/n's eyes opened widely as her heart raced. She placed her hand near her heart and tried to keep calm from the nightmare. Feeling okay, she glanced around and noticed she was in the cabin. She then looked to the bed next to her only to see no one. She didn't think much of it and instead sat up with a sigh.

"Maybe it's for the best." She mumbled to herself and rubbed her neck.

Arising from the bed, she gathered her bag and the crowbar then proceeded to head to the front door. As she walked forward though, the brightness of the sun made her shield her eyes and unfortunately she couldn't see where she was walking. It ultimately led her to trip on something and fall onto the floor.

She groaned and held her head as she heard Izuku's voice on the stairsteps, "Are you alright? You took a nasty fall."

Turning and glancing at him with confusion, she held a hand on the back of her head, "I thought you left?"

He, in return, stared at her confused, "Why would I?"

"Nevermind." She stammered and stood up while glancing at Izuku's hand, "What's that?"

"Oh!" Izuku exclaimed and showed her his notebook, "I've been jotting down important info. Like for example, types of guns with their designated ammo's, berries that aren't poisonous, and how to treat certain wounds."

He hesitated a bit before he handed his notebook to F/n, "Also, writing other stuff."

Chuckling a bit, F/n flipped through the notebook, "Like a diary?"

"Just because it's the end of the world does not mean I can't have any hobbies." Izuku sass back.

"You have a point." She chuckled and continued to flip through it till she stopped at a certain page. She smiled as she saw a photo; 5 year old Izuku sat in the middle with his parents behind him smiling.

She continued to scan through it and stopped when she turned the page with the title 'classmates'. She saw names appear; Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Ochaco Uraraka, Iida Tenya and so on.

But her eyes widened when she saw Hanta Sero's name.

Handing his notebook back, she sat down next to him. Her ears listened as Izuku opened his dirty yellow backpack and closed it back up. She then heard his voice, "I was thinking, maybe we should stay here for a couple days. Rest a bit and then get going."

He turned to her and smiled, "How does that sound?"

Shrugging, F/n smiled, "Whatever works."

Izuku nodded and stood up, "Good, seeing from how long you slept it looks like you needed the rest. Though, if we're going to be staying here, we should get some supplies."

F/n stood up as well, "Know any places?"

"I walked a few miles that way while you were asleep," He pointed to the street ahead, "and found a couple gas stations."

F/n took a couple steps forward, "We should start heading there soon before night comes."

Following F/n, Izuku pulled his bag on and began to walk up the road in hope for anything that could be eaten or at least any supplies.

Reaching a gas station without any problems, Izuku wiped the dusted glass door with his jacket sleeve and peered inside. Because the gas stations shelves were in the way, Izuku couldn't make out if anyone was inside, alive or dead.

The gas station wasn't one of those stores where the doors opened automatically once it senses a presence, it just had normal doors where you had to open it yourself. His eyes peered at the door handle and saw no lock around it. The owners must've left before they had a chance.

Behind Izuku, F/n was on lookout with her crowbar in hand and waited for Izuku to signal her. She listened intently for any moaning but the sound of Izuku pushing the glass door and speaking to her caught her attention. "Stay here while I clear out the store."

Not listening to Izuku, she entered behind him and shrugged when he questionably stared at her, "You shouldn't do all the work yourself."

Shaking his head, Izuku closed the gas station door before he proceeded deeper. While F/n went to the register counter, Izuku walked to the back in search of any danger.

Setting her crowbar on the counter, F/n's hand opened the cash register and her eyebrows raised as she saw nothing but dried blood. Her head turned to clutter noises and growls at the back of the store and not a second later she sprinted towards it.

The rotter was at least 5 '9, taller and much bigger than Izuku. One minute he was checking the employee room and the next a rotter had pounced on him. He grunted as he tried to shove it away from him but because the dead was bigger than him, it had caused him to drop his hammer in the process.

He grunted as he tried to push it away from him and ended up knocking each other into shelves and tumbling supplies. An open dish soap caused Izuku to fall with the rotter landing on top of him. With all his might, his hands gripped the rotter's neck as his fingers dug into its flesh. His fall made his rifle land beside him and fear began to settle in.

Izuku groaned in disgust as the rotter's growls caused blood and drool to drip from its mouth and onto the corner of Izuku's lips. He frantically looked around him to see if there was anything he could defend himself with. But luckily, he didn't have to worry anymore as his pupil dilated from the tip of a crowbar lodging itself into the rotter's skull.

Kicking the body away from Izuku, F/n let out a sigh of relief, "I for sure thought you were a goner."

Izuku sighed heavily as he sat up, "I thought so too. Thanks, F/n."

The h/c haired girl nodded and continued to search the gas station with Izuku following behind. They filled their bags with anything that could be eaten and half empty water bottles. They also grabbed lighters, gauges, bandages, peroxide, and a few painkillers.

Once they had grabbed all useful items, they left the store as the sun was beginning to set down. Knowing that once they reached the cabin they would immediately fall asleep they decided to snack on what little food they found. They didn't care about sharing the water. Not that germs were no longer important.

After reaching the cabin with no problem, they settled in their beds and before they shutted their eyes, Izuku proposed that once they woke up they should head for a creek nearby as Izuku heard water flowing earlier. F/n agreed and they both closed their eyes and drifted to their separate dreams. 

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