At stake

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

On the other side and a little further behind, Katsuki and Izuku laid underneath the same car. The blonde moved the bag of guns in front of him, "Can't we just have one day where everything is fucking peaceful."

Izuku looked around, "Can you be quiet. They're coming."

Katsuki was about to reply but held his tongue when the first rotter walked by. With their hearts beating and sweat beginning to form, they quietly watched as the dozen of rotters passed by. Anxious is what they were feeling as some dead would stop then keep moving.

As Katsuki watched one particularly rotter walking, he found it odd as their patterned like steps didn't seem to be in a zigzag like the others . It almost seemed like it was walking as a human. It was eerie to say the least, but the blonde couldn't shrug the idea off especially with the feeling like something was disturbingly wrong.

From beside him, Izuku noticed a rotter standing still for what seemed to be like a minute then continued onward. It didn't make Izuku feel any better as the same rotter seemed to be facing his and Katsuki's direction. Before he could inform the blonde, the rotter followed the dozen of.

When they were sure the coast was clear, they slid out the car and stayed in a crouching position until the dead could no longer be seen. With Izuku behind Katsuki, the male whispered, "Did you notice how one stayed behind? Do you think it just turned?"

Katsuki could already tell what he was thinking as he nodded, staring at the dead walking further away, "I don't know, but I don't think it's a good idea to stay on this road."

Looking back for any dead, Izuku furrowed his brow, "Guess we'll have to take the detour, huh?"

Katsuki let out a small scoff and beginning heading to here they last saw F/n and Shoto, "And we were so fucking close."

When they found F/n and Shoto, they could tell that the two also had something bad to share. Shoto pointed to the dead rotter F/n had pointed out earlier, "You see that?"

Katsuki and Izuku confusingly stared at the word written on the skull, "The hell is that supposed to mean."

F/n leaned on a car, "It means we should stay off this road. Either someone has already claimed it and they're already watching us and this was a message, or they'll be here any minute. I'm not too keen on finding out which it is."

"That's what me and Kacchan were thinking." Izuku pointed out, "We should've left the second this place had no sign of death."

"Not only that," Katsuki added, "but these damn freaks don't act like one."

Shoto looked at the map then towards where the rotters headed at, "If we stay on this path we'll be in our direction in no time, but if we take a different path, it could probably take another day."

"We've got supplies to last that long." Izuku noted.

"The only way we'd be getting to this safehouse faster is through there." Katsuki pointed ahead.

Shoto sighed out, "We already explained why going through there is a bad idea."

Katsuki tapped the car F/n leaned on, "We find a damn car, hotwire it, then drive all the way there. What difference does it make if they already know we're here? We'd be able to escape with a damn car."

Izuku agreed, " We have guns and ammo. It doesn't hurt to try."

"It will be when we all die." F/n added.

"Look, I get we want to get there faster, but with the trees covering us they'll have a harder time finding us." Shoto eyed F/n, "Just like she said, we stay off the main road."

The blonde rolled his eyes, "We don't even know if they're even here."

"We're being cautious." F/n fiddled with the butterfly knife.

Finally making their decision, the group leave the freeway and enter the woods that surround it. Although they hated the idea of taking the longer way, they understood that their lives would be at stake if they dared to continue onward.

Katsuki did make some good statements but if the car were to shut down they'd be stranded with nothing to cover them. Besides, they don't know how many people could possibly already be watching them or even if they aren't.

In this world, one message is all it takes for them to fear their lives. One message could chase the course of their future. A message could ruin everything. 

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now