The start

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

They had gotten their designated job and when their alarms rang at 8 AM, they woke up, changed and headed out. The boys wanted to see F/n, but she had left earlier, much to their dismay. Her patience had been running as she just wanted to feel the heavy gun in her hands.

She rubbed her hands as she made her way to the weaponry, it was getting cold, and the thin jacket did little to keep her warm. She didn't see Gunhead when she entered. She would have waited for him but when she spotted the bins of pistols, rifles, and automatic rifles, she let out a grin and picked one of them up.

The M6 rifle was a bit dirty for the most part. The chamber was empty and she looked around to find bullets. A rack shelf stored boxes of ammo, each neatly organized. She found the designated ammo, the bullets looked pretty in its box.

Only a bit of ammo was in the box she held. A couple other boxes of the same ammo were on the shelfs. She checked them, though feeling disappointed as it would only cover three rounds. She then looked around for a scope, luckily finding one.

She'd have to thank Kyoka, Tenya and Mashiro for finding such beauty. If only she talked that way about Katsuki, Izuku and Shoto.

"I see you found the M6." Gunhead said, closing the door behind him.

She smiled smugly as she looked through the scope, "It's pretty neat. Didn't think I'd ever see a gun like this again."

He hummed as he pulled a chair closer to the bins, "We'd have to thank the weapon team for finding it."

"Oh, you bet I'm gonna thank them." She said, lowering the gun and looking at him, "So what am I going to do today?"

"Well, seeing as how you're familiar with the weapons, today you'll clean them. We'll start off with the pistols. Don't put any bullets inside, we don't want to accidentally set it off." He said to which F/n understandably nodded and began to work while he read the same book he read yesterday.

Izuku let out a yawn, shaking his head to wake up as he followed Mezo to the weaponry where it held a small room. At least he was going to see F/n, though he didn't think he'd have a chance to talk with her.

"Good, you made it." Ochaco said, avoiding eye contact with the male as they entered the building. Gunhead had waved at them, greeting them a good morning as they returned it.

The freckled male hoped that F/n would have turned to greet him as well, but he already knew she wouldn't since she was busy looking over the weapons. He could tell the way her eyes shined at the gun she held. He hoped that maybe someday she would look at him the same way.

When they entered the room, a small table and four chairs were placed in the center with a few papers on it. Izuku had grabbed a written paper, looking at the town and cities, "You've already been here?"

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now