All together

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

F/n didn't realize someone was following her until after she got knocked out when she had entered an abandoned mall. She couldn't believe she had let her guard down and was frustrated with herself when she passed out.

She figured all the stress about her friends' whereabouts was getting to her. Now, she could feel herself rocking back and forth as the car drove. She couldn't see from the blindfold and the people who were kidnapping her covered her ears with headphones that played music. They also closed her mouth with tape which annoyed the girl.

She tried keeping still until she felt herself being tugged out of the car and then being slammed onto the ground. Her head pounded as she let out a muffle grunt. The headphones were knocked out and she could hear her surroundings.

"Name?" A man spoke.

"Don't know." Another one spoke.

She could hear scribbling as the first man spoke, "Doesn't look much like a fighter. What did she have with her?"

"Not much." She heard rattling and her duffel bag plopping next to her, "A couple of canned food, a gun with little ammo and a knife."

"Her condition?" Again the first man spoke.

"Stable. No bites or scratches. Just dirt and blood."

She then heard someone else speaking, "Oh, but she does have a healed wound near her lower back and a scar on her ear."

The man stopped writing and glanced at F/n then his partners, "Show me."

One of the men bent down and pulled F/n's shirt up which caused her to stir as the action unsettled her. She then felt someone move her hair and the breeze hitting her healed ear.

She heard the man who wrote let out a frustrated sigh, "Alright, toss her with the other ones. Ain't worth much for her scars."

"Well...her beauty could be worth something. Maybe wash the dirt off her." The second male spoke.

It was quiet before she felt the blindfold be removed. She glared at the man with the notebook as he stared right back at her. The man smiled darkly at her, "Well, maybe you're right."

He then signaled something to his mens as he put the blindfold back on and the feeling of something hard hitting her head caused her to black out once more. She could feel her body being dragged and the dirt prickling her skin before she faded.

Sighing, he cleaned his wound. He was content as the bullet wound seemed to be getting better from the clean and unused medical supplies. He put his dirty shirt back on and peeked out the window where a couple of dead walked by. He watched as they eventually left his view.

Maybe he should leave the building and look for more supplies. That way in case he found his friends, they wouldn't be starving.

Izuku nodded to himself and began to pack what little left of supplies he had. He then pulled the duffel bag onto his back and left the small restaurant. He slowly opened the door and looked both ways before departing.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now