Three months ago

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Three months ago, Izuku and F/n were sleeping peacefully, occasionally tossing and turning while Katsuki was on look out. During the night, Katsuki's ears caught sounds of footsteps. At first he figured it was a rotter wandering around, but that wasn't the case as he heard a car and a couple people talking.

To make sure it wasn't his imagination, he peeped out through the curtains and sure enough there were at least four men standing outside and a van with customized backdoors parked along with a truck and its headlight shining.

The headlight made Katsuki hard to see but the silhouette was enough for him to slowly run and quietly wake the pair up.

The sleeping pairs that were now wide awake quickly reached for their weapons; with Izuku holding his rifle, F/n holding a revolver, and Katsuki holding a bloody axe.

They stayed quiet for a moment hoping they would pass by but atlas, footsteps began to approach the home. The three mentally frustratedly sighed and took position in case they tried to break in.

"Are you sure you saw them going in here?" A voice ranged out. Another voice followed, "Positive. I saw the red truck here last time. Look, it's over there!"

"How many would you say is in here?" A deep voice said. "Three; two men and a woman."

Izuku, Katsuki and F/n looked at each other. They were watching us? But for how long?

Their thoughts were interrupted as a loud bang was heard. Most definitely a kick as soon they saw a boot making its way through the door. The three then took cover as bullets began flying through the door. "Open up, we know you're in there!"

With Izuku next to the stairs, he caught the other two's attention that stayed behind the couch. With Izuku signaling Katsuki and F/n, they ran up the stairs as another set of bullets came flying by almost hitting Izuku.

The three heard as glass shattered and then heard a car backing up. They shortly heard a whistle and a bang.

With Izuku and F/n sitting at the top of the stairs and watching the living room, Katsuki crawled to a nearby room so he wouldn't be spotted and peaked through the blinds. His ruby eyes widened as to what he was seeing.

A van began to reverse straight into the house. The house shook as the van rammed its way in and then a thump was heard coming from inside the house.

The three gasped as shortly they heard groans coming and shuffling heading for them. Quickly getting up, Izuku pulled F/n into the room where Katsuki was in. The three heard laughter and a few gunshots.

"Did they just fucking trap us!?" Katsuki yelled as he heard the dead coming closer.

"We have to fucking kill them!" F/n yelled with her gun ready to aim.

"No!" Izuku yelled at F/n and pushed her back, "Your wound still isn't healed. Any pressure or any of the dead fluids goes into your wound, you'll get infected!"

F/n cocked her gun and glared at Izuku, "I wasn't talking about them."

Realizing what she meant, Izuku nodded and told Katsuki to help him and barricade the door with anything heavy.

But the three quickly dropped to the floor as bullets were fired at them. None of them were hit but they shielded their heads as glass shattered around them.

"We have to do this now!" Izuku yelled and pulled Katsuki up. They began to block the door from the rotters coming inside. Izuku looked around for F/n and saw her crouched near a window with her revolver in her hand.

He kicked his rifle towards her feet in case she ran out of ammo. F/n looked back at Izuku who nodded and continued to help Katsuki.

F/n picked up Izuku's rifle and perched it on the windowsill. With the help of the scope, she was able to perfectly aim at the men outside. She was thankful that Izuku hardly used his rifle as it appeared in good condition.

Katsuki and Izuku grunted as the door wouldn't hold out any longer. Katsuki looked at F/n, "Can you hurry up and get rid of them!? We can't hold out any longer!"

F/n groaned, "It takes patie–!"

Katsuki and Izuku gasp as F/n's head flinches back and blood shoots out. Panicked rushed through Izuku's face as he noticed drops of blood coming from the left side of her head and glided down her neck, "F/n! Are you okay!?"

Katsuki then shouted at her thinking she might be dead as the rifle in her hands slightly fell, "Hey, wake up!"

Their hearts then thumped as they heard a groan coming from F/n and her head shooting up, "You damn imbeciles, I'll kill you!"

Shots after shots were heard as Katsuki and Izuku grunted and could no longer hold the door shut. Once they heard F/n saying they got rid of the men, Katsuki and Izuku quickly ran towards the window and pulled her up with them.

A rotten hand reached for Katsuki's leg but he had managed to stand on the roof and shortly follow Izuku and F/n. They carefully climbed down the house and exited the backyard as the fences were down.

They sighed in relief and glanced at the ruined property, their lips frown as they had to leave everything behind; their food, clothes, bags, Izuku's notebook and much more. They heard painful screams and shouts of help coming from the men but they ignored it.

Hearing F/n grunt and fall on her knees, the males run to her aid to see if she were okay, "It... hurts."

Izuku worryingly checks her wound on her back and sees her blood seeping through the white bandages, "We need to find some burning alcohol and clean bandages before your wound gets infected. Let me see your ear."

Thankfully, it wasn't bad as it was just grazed, a small scar would form and a bit of chunk of ear was cut.

Their heads then turned to Katsuki as he groaned and stood up, "Great, now we have to start over and risk our lives for food. Fucking great!"

Izuku chuckled at Katsuki's whining though it was cut short as a gun cocked behind Katsuki. Deciding to not turn around, Katsuki stared at Izuku and F/n with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Looks like I–" A gunshot rang as a thump followed along.

Katsuki's ruby eyes stared at F/n who held a gun and sighed. "We need to go. Anything could've heard these gunshots and I'm not looking forward to dealing with them."

Nodding at F/n's statement, Izuku followed her. Staring at her figure, Katsuki wiped his sweaty face as his heart slowed down. He turned around and noticed a man that was about to kill him laying down. Approaching him, Katsuki grabbed his gun and a crossbow that hung on his back.

He then proceeds to leave and follow his companions. With his eyes on the h/c haired girl, he thought for a moment. Maybe, in the near future, he would thank her for saving him, twice.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now