An end to sorrow, grief & regret

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Season 7

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Season 7

"Tower two, heading off to bed, uh...goodnight."

"You serious right now? It's barely 9:18, get your deadbeat ass out of bed and keep watch."

"I gotta get up early tomorrow for that run. Tell that psycho that belongs locked up in a fucking mental asylum or the one that looks like a lizard to stay up with you if you're such a fucking pussy, bitch." The sound of a fence rattling could be heard, but with a hand to keep it from moving caused it to keep quiet. Every clank could be heard as Shota used the wire cutters to make a hole enough for the group to fit. His radio on his hip had interfered with the other radios nearby so they had to keep quiet.

"You call me a bitch again and I'll send that demented ass bitch after you. God knows she's been waiting for an opportunity like this and we both know she'll take things real nice and slow for you." Quietly, Toshinori raised the part of the fence that had been cut and let the others in first. With F/n last, he carefully entered and due to how tall he was, he made sure his clothes wouldn't get stuck. Their flashlights were off and they used the moonlight that peeked from the clouds to move.

"...Fine, but I'm going to sleep. Everyone else has gone to bed, so maybe you should go if you don't want to stay up alone." Shota turned off his radio. They didn't know who's camp this belonged to, but judging from the building's silhouette, it was huge which meant a lot of people could be here. Originally, they were going to go around, but when they heard the sound of a feminine voice and that fence rattling with her pleading for help, they all ducked down to keep hidden as another male's voice took over. Her voice had then gone silent and a gurgle could be followed.

It wasn't anything good and they knew they should leave especially when they had found a small photo that had gotten stuck underneath the fence. The image reminded Shoto and Katsuki of the camp long ago. The only difference was that it wasn't as bad when compared, but that didn't stop them from wondering what could be going on. With humans being humans, it was only natural for them to enter, despite the many warnings they received.

Sure, it was one hell of a risk, but they made sure to wait out and see if they could spot anyone and when no one came, they decided to enter. It didn't sound like too many people were inside, judging from what Shota's radio could pick up, but the thought of some being asleep was a possibility. For what they did when they entered was up to whoever decided to find the group. It's not like they didn't deserve the bloodshed that would happen, considering what they're doing to people who are simply just existing.

Turning the corner, a door could be seen. Placing his hands on it, Shota carefully opened the door and held it for the others to enter. When they stood inside, they stood in a hallway, the dim yellow lights shining through the dirty dull walls.

"We'll just look." Shota said, keeping his voice low, "Take a quick look and if we find a supply room we'll take it and get out before anyone sees us."

Walking a couple steps, a corridor was to F/n's left and she peeked seeing nobody, "I think we should split up. It'll be easier and we can meet back here."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now