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Season 5

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Season 5

Closing the door behind them, only F/n separated from the males as she headed off to replace her worn out boots and clothing. Since it wasn't a sporting store, shoes were only available though she didn't mind as she figured it would be best to have a change of style—at least in what covers her feet. After that she took a quick glance at the males and changed out of her clothes when they weren't looking her way. Lastly, she grabbed a new jacket with quite a few pockets than the average jacket.

Done being dressed she wandered around the store, letting the boys—who also looked her way—finish doing their business. There wasn't much to be useful, but she did enjoy messing with a few children toy, however, that only lasted a few minutes as she grew bored. Placing that aside, she checked her gun that hung on the holster around her right thigh. Thankfully, the chambers were full.

"Let's go, F/n." Izuku softly shouted at her as to not alarm the dead. At the call of his voice—and name—she headed off for them as they used the backdoor to exit. Cautiously looking both ways, they entered the alley where brick walls of buildings surrounded them.

"Where do you think a nearby grocery store is?" Izuku asked, looking at the map that peeked from Katsuki's bag, "It looks like we're in an outdoor mall so maybe one should be close by, right?"

"If only someone hadn't lost the bag of supplies we would have been stocked..." Shoto drew out and though he didn't specify who, they all knew it was F/n as she was the last one to hold them.

"What's your problem?" She glared at him, "Did you forget I was running from the hundred of dead that could have mauled me to death if I wasn't paying attention? I guess you did since you were the one to fuck up the whole plan and have me and Izuku separate."

"Even if that was my fault I would have expected for you to be aware." His eyes narrowed at her, "Isn't that who you're supposed to be? I guess you forgot and thought to blame me because you can't keep up with who you are."

"You think you know?" She tried moving to him, but with Izuku holding onto her wrist made her unable to. The last thing he wanted was for a fight to break out and it was astonishing that it wasn't Katsuki and Shoto fighting like in the high school days.

Thankfully, or not so thankfully, the sound of a vehicle roaring by them had caught their attention. Quickly, did they duck down in hopes their figures would be less seen, though it was hard to tell rotter and human apart these days.

"You think it's one of them?" Shoto asked, referring to the camp.

"Better not be." Katsuki bitterly said, his ears listing close to the vehicle, "If it is, then they've been following us for a while."

Standing to their full height, they cautiously proceeded. The freckle male hummed at Katsuki's comment, "If they were, they would have killed us long ago. Why wait it out when we destroyed their community?"

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now