Be aware

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Denki plopped himself on a display couch and let out a groan, his back muscles relaxing. He glanced towards the ceiling where 4x4 windows were at. Little light shone down inside the building. Thanks to the flashlight he held, he was able to watch his steps from the items that had been previously dropped, most likely from other survivors.

That couldn't be said the same for Shoto as he immediately tripped on a chest that is supposed to contain toys for children. He scoffed at himself for falling and then let out a distasteful groan as he felt his hands get wet.

Eijiro heard him fall and went to check on him. He shined his flashlight down, the blood on Shoto's hand shimmered. The red head then shone around, a blood trail had seemed to be headed for the exit, "Whosever blood this is must've had a serious injury."

Shoto wiped the blood on his jeans and proceeded to get up, "With that much blood loss, they most likely died by now."

Eijiro hummed. He then shined the light to the other male's face making him squint, "You got blood on your right check."

He wiped his cheek, unknowingly a rotter creeping behind him. Eijiro thought it might be Denki or Katsuki, but when the sound of the growl echoed, he quickly shoved Shoto away and pulled out his gun.

Shoto fell back on the pool of blood, but when he saw Eijiro's gun out, he quickly sprung into action, taking his knife out and stabbing the rotter before the other male blasted his gun. As the dead fell, he wiped his knife on his jeans, "You shouldn't be using your gun indoors."

"It was coming after us." He lowered his weapon, "I didn't want either of us to die."

"Don't you have a knife or something?" Shoto asked to which Eijiro shook his head. "No."

Shoto was baffled. How did a gun, something that's loud and can run out of bullets when used enough, manage to keep Eijiro alive? Especially Denki. A shot was all it took before all rotters within their reach came running after them. He was amazed that they hadn't run into trouble long ago, "F/n should teach you how to use one."

Eijiro hummed as they both approached Denki, "I guess using a silenced weapon would help in the future."

"Yes!" Izuku whispered as he found a section of headlamps and flashlights. He readjusted the headlamp and turned to F/n and Katsuki as they took a rotter down.

The other two hissed as the light almost blinded them. Katsuki shielded his eyes, "Turn that shit off."

F/n did the same, except lowering her head a little, "Does it need to be that bright."

"Whoops." Izuku let out a small chuckle and flicked a small lever on the side of the lamp. When the light was dim, he reached around to grab a few more for his fellow friends. The light was still bright, but not enough to blind them.

"You seem happy." F/n said as she grabbed a headlamp and placed it on her head.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Izuku said, eying the building, "We got lucky to discover such a place. Who knows how much longer we'd last with only little supplies."

Katsuki scoffed, the strap around his forehead clicked, ensuring the lamp was secured, "Look around, idiot. What makes you think this place is even safe? We've only managed to take down a few uglies. Besides them, there might be people around."

F/n nodded, dismissing the way Izuku's face slightly fell, "We're out in the open. Sure we've got covered, but if there is someone else in here, they might have set traps, letting us know that this place is already taken."

"Yeah, but, if there is someone, what do we do?" Izuku asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer as he stared at her.

"We take it." She shrugged and then headed towards the others, "We did not come this far just to be sent home empty handed."

Katsuki shortly followed after, his pace a little slower. He stared at the back of her head with his hands in his pockets. Despite all they've been through, Katsuki had to admit that the things she does could be a little cruel. She may be a little selfish, but he knows she only does it for the good of her companions. He understands, but that doesn't make her less cold-hearted.

Then there's Izuku. He knows his childhood friend has good intentions, but sometimes, Katsuki wishes that he could just...stop. Clinging onto something that'll never happen, irks him. It irritates Katsuki the way Izuku is. Yet, sometimes Izuku is hope for the blonde.

"The hell happened to you?" The blonde eyed Shoto's bloody jeans.

"I fell." He said, also looking down at his jeans, while Izuku passed the others their light source.

Denki let out a chuckle, still laying on the couch. He then looked at his friends, "What's the plan? We take sections?"

F/n nodded and crossed her arms, "Yes, but once we make sure the building is secure. If we see a group of dead there might be a breach somewhere and we want to be cautious and since some aisles block our view we want to make sure we see eachother even if it's only our light."

Denki sat up and reached to his side. He held a flagging tape, "We can also mark the aisle we come across so we know we've been there."

"And if someone who isn't us interferes with it, then we know we're not alone." Izuku hummed, "Good thinking, Denki."

"Surprise to hear that come out of your mouth." Shoto said and grabbed the tape.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Denki glared at him.

"It means you're stupid." Katsuki responded.

Eijiro chuckled at their behavior, "Alright, I think Denki got it."

F/n stared at them chattering. She had to agree that what the yellow-haired male offered, one that she didn't think of, and what Izuku thought of was a good idea. But for them to not notice that if someone were indeed here, they were already listening in. Heck, they were most likely already staring at her group and possibly waiting for them to act first.

It was weird that no one had come across this place and those who did probably died. From the looks of it, this warehouse was in the middle of a populated town. Either someone had already discovered it and was inside, or someone marked this place and would come in when they needed supplies.

Still, F/n would have figured that somebody would set up traps to protect their haven. At least, that's what she would do. But yet again, she's come to realize that not everyone is like her. Take her group for example. The only one who'd come close is Katsuki, then Shoto.

She held her sigh and looked beside her where the darkness awaited her. Let's see who would die first.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now