Diopside, like your eyes

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Izuku grunted as he stabbed a rotter in its eyes, the knife that F/n found got caught but he managed to remove it and went to the next rotter that was coming towards him. He groaned in disgust when the rotter's blood sprayed his face. He then proceeded to get rid of the others.

Behind Izuku, F/n stared at the rotter's corpse that was laying on the floor. Blood gurgled out of its mouth as the tongue was sticking out, its lower jaw had been cut off. She saw maggots crawling in its throat and teeth.

Once Izuku managed to clear the way to a clothing store, he held the door open for F/n and quickly closed the door the moment he entered. He tied the door handle with ropes he found in an alley.

As he did so, F/n cleared the store, killing three employees and one civilian. When Izuku made sure the ropes were tight enough he walked to F/n who got rid of the last rotter, "I wished you would have waited for me to help you."

F/n shrugged and wiped her bloody black knife on her jeans, "They didn't have enough fight, I managed."

"Still," Izuku moved in front of her and scanned her for any injuries, "Just because they're weak doesn't mean you can get ahead of yourself. We barely managed to escape a group of dead."

"They're weak. I bet we could've taken them out like nothing." F/n said and walked away.

He then sighed and mumbled, "You sound like someone I know."

With that he headed to the mens section and decided to look for clothes and shoes while they waited for the horde to pass by. He grabbed some clothes and was lucky enough to find a similar pair of red shoes in his size.

He turned around to look for F/n but he quickly turned away as his cheeks dusted in pink, "Why are you changing here!?"

F/n stared at him as she pulled a clean shirt on, "Because the fitting room has no doors. What's the use of using it if there's no door?"

Izuku shook his head, his blush creeping away, "Fine, you have a point there."

Dropping his yellow bag and rifle on the floor he removed his jacket along with his shirt and quickly grabbed a clean green shirt to put on. He hesitated to remove his jeans and looked back at F/n who leaned on a jewelry counter looking at the earrings and rings inside the case.

Thankful for her back facing him, he quickly changed out of his jeans and grabbed another. He then grabbed a new pair of socks with his new shoes but as he finished he jumped as he heard glass shatter.

Thinking it might be the horde he grabbed his knife and turned to where the glass shattered though he sighed when he saw F/n's hand scanning the ring section. He moved towards her and questionably stared at her.

F/n smiled and picked out a certain ring then held it in the air, "Pretty, huh?"

Izuku raised his eyebrow, "You broke the case for a ring?"

"Yeah," She handed it to Izuku, "Diopside."

As he examined the ring it was a bit bulky and the gemstone circled the ring. F/n was right, it is pretty, "How do you know what gemstone it is?"

"I've always found gemstones pretty, especially green ones." F/n reached her hand back into the ring case, "The diopside reminds me of your eyes; kind and gentle."

Izuku smiled at her compliment and handed her the ring back but F/n shook her head, "Keep it. If anything happens to me, I want you to remember me."

The fact that she said that with a smile made Izuku's lips frown. He decided to not press on and placed the ring in his jacket pocket. He'd find a string later on and wear it as a necklace; the ring was small.

His eyes peered back at F/n as she held another ring, "Kind of gothic don't you think?"

F/n shook her head as she held the skull ring in the air, "You call it gothic but I call it badass."

Izuku sighed and shook his head but smiled. He noticed that F/n had warmed up to him. She was no longer distant and instead smiled more, acknowledging him even. Seeing her smile made Izuku feel something and he hoped to feel it more.

Peering through the glass doors, the horde no longer seemed to be around, "C'mon, let's go find ammo and more supplies before night falls."

F/n nodded and they both walked to the clothings entrance and unwrapped the rope. They then checked to see if no dead was around and once they cleared the area they headed down the town's street.

It didn't take long before they found a small grocery store with a few rotters lurking in the parking lot. They steadily took each one out and made their way to the front. The building windows had faint special deals written in marker. Shopping carts were placed near the store and on the side were chopped wood.

"Ready?" F/n said as she held her knife and her other hand placed on the door handle.

"Mhm." Izuku nodded and held his knife as well waiting for F/n's signal.

Seeing him nod, F/n pulled the door but groaned when it didn't budge, "They locked it."

"There has to be another door." Izuku said as he eyed the building. His attention was then caught by F/n when he heard glass shatter. He stared at her as she easily walked through the now broken glass door, "We could've found another way!"

"If anything we'll find another way out." She said and moved towards the isles with a basket in her hand. Izuku quickly followed after her, "We need to secure this place before looking."

F/n shook her head, "This place is quiet, too quiet. I don't know about you but I don't see any blood or dirt tracks on the floor. There's also enough food for months, nothing has been touched. Someone secured this place really well."

His steps faltered as Izuku watched F/n continuing. When she was out of his sight he let out a sigh, again she was right. Izuku dreaded the fact that because she was able to defend herself she would eventually leave him and go on her own.

He hoped that this wasn't the case and repeatedly told himself that she would never do that. It's just how she was raised. To protect and defend. 

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