Katsuki: You are going to beat this world

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Two months ago: two weeks after the outbreak

With dull eyes, his bloody hands clutched on ripped pieces of clothing that belonged to his parents. He should've come earlier, he should've left along with everybody else from his class. But he was so stupid. He just wanted to keep his friends alive and now he suffered the consequences.

Instead, he should have been keeping his parents alive.

The more he stared at his parents' eaten corpses, his eyes began to brim with tears. He gritted his teeth as the tears eventually fell. Whimpering, his left hand held tightly to his mothers ripped bloody hand, his other hand laid on top of his fathers chest; or at least that's what he assumed.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry I was-wasn't here!" Katsuki sobbed as he shut his eyes.

It wasn't long before he wiped away his tears. His hands held onto his fathers glasses as he walked away to grab a blanket. He then proceeded to cover their bodies and bowed, wishing them a goodbye to wherever they were.

He changed out of his school uniform and once he was done he grabbed supplies, car keys, and threw them in his bag. Standing in front of the door, from the corner of his eyes he saw a hanged photo.

Peering at it, his heart once again panged in hurt. His mother and father stood behind him smiling as he sat in the middle with a scowl. They wore their nicest outfit that day. It was the day Katsuki turned 17.

His hands gently grabbed the frame, he turned it around and removed the photo from it. In his hands, he shoved it in his pockets and left his house.

He didn't bother turning around, knowing that if he did, he would rather die next to his parents.

For now, he opted to go to a sanctuary where a radio he had was broadcasting. It was in a city, two hours away from here. So he headed to his mom's car that was parked in the streets. He turned the engine on but it would sputter. He did it a couple times but it never turned on.

Katsuki yelled and slammed his hands on the steering wheel. His head rested on the wheel as he figured another way to get to the city.

Sighing, he got out of the car along with his bag, walking it. If he remembered correctly, he could take the same path that he and his parents would take whenever they went there for a trip. If he only headed there with no stops, it would take at least 4 days.

He could do this, Katsuki could do this. Once he finds safety, then he would be alright. Sooner or later, this disease that's going around will be lifted and although life won't be the same, at least no one has to die anymore.

He continued walking to his destination, his mind racing, maybe his friends were alive. Maybe they made it out and are at the sanctuary waiting to be rescued. Eijiro is probably alive. Shoto's most likely alive, he had bodyguards come get him. And maybe, Izuku's alive as well.

That's right, Deku. Katsuki stopped walking, his head turned to his left where a street was in view and just along that street was Izuku's apartment. Maybe, Katsuki thought, Deku's still there.

His legs moved as he walked further down the street but he immediately stopped when he heard snarling and growling. In front, was a horde of them. They all cluttered around bumping into each other, their faces peeling off.

He stared for a minute, then turned around and walked to his destination, it doesn't matter.

Days went by, the sun went down and the moon came up. It was taking Katsuki a lot longer to get there and much harder. He lost track of the days, his mind only focusing on not dying as he came across many eating monsters.

So far, he hasn't run into anybody. Katsuki wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing seeing as how everything changed. Perhaps people are dangerous now and hurt others for food, weapons, or anything for survival.

Katsuki himself has even noticed that food and water is running low. Heck, the amount of times he would go into stores to eat anything he'd find nothing. No food, water, bandages, med kit, nothing. He'd sigh in annoyance when all he could find was worthless stuff.

For a few days, Katsuki would continue his walk at night but he immediately learned his lesson when one of them came out of the bushes and almost bit him. He had a laugh about it as his nerves didn't help. Instead, when it was sunrise, Katsuki would begin his walk.

Every night, he would clear out a car and sleep inside. To him it felt much safer than a home, as nobody would look in a car seeing as it's not comfortable. He felt lucky to be alive, grateful even.

But he was sure his luck had almost run out when a horde chased him down the street. He entered a grocery store, a few dead hands clutched onto his clothing but thankfully they had let go when Katsuki had slammed the door on their arms.

He gruffly groaned when he noticed where he was, he guessed it was a breakroom as there were a few tables and chairs. He looked to his side where he saw a dead guy wearing a uniform, must've been the employee.

Next to the body was a gun but no ammo. Katsuki skimmed the body, and a bullet to his head was shown. Ignoring the sight he moved forward as another door was in front. He turned the knob but it turned out to be locked.

He slammed his body onto the door so it would open, but his ears caught the attention to the door that was behind. The dead began to pound on it, almost knocking it over.

Katsuki groaned and lifted his leg to the doorknob. He wasn't going to die, he already made it this far. With a few more kicks the door knob broke and Katsuki immediately opened the door. The dead had also knocked down the door and their hands reached out to Katsuki.

Thankfully, Katsuki made it to the other side with no injuries. His luck had returned when he heard a gasp and his eyes were met with a pair of green.

[Season 2: Complete]

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