Not Alone

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Deciding to get out of the road in case someone dangerous spots them, they moved and sat underneath a tree, sitting on a fallen log. Izuku's eyes can't help but stare at her bloody clothes and imagine what horrors she had to go through.

Feeling his eyes on her form she glances to her hands, "It's not mine. The blood. It doesn't belong to me."

Izuku's eyelids casted down as he stared at his muddy shoes, "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just... how do I know you're not infected or... bitten?"

F/n shrugs, "You don't. You can trust your instinct and kill me right here."

Not wanting Izuku to not trust her, she removed her jacket and slightly lifted up her shirt. Izuku watches in confusion but looks away when she begins to lift her shirt and turns. "See, no bite marks."

Convince, and mostly because he feels like it's wrong for staring at her body, he hands her the jacket and nods. Although Izuku trusts F/n's word, he wants to make sure that she hasn't hurt anyone to save her life, so he hesitates before speaking, "Can I ask you who's blood you got on?"

Seeing his question coming, F/n didn't really tell him the whole truth and made up a lie as she didn't want to talk about her family being brutally eaten, "This person I met on the road. We got swarmed by a horde and next thing I knew, blood splattered on me and saw them being ripped apart in pieces."

Izuku doesn't say anything as he looks away from her. Maybe he shouldn't have said that and left it alone. Looking to the side, Izuku smiles as he then stands up and puts his dirty yellow backpack on. Once successfully putting his bag on he looks at F/n, "Where are you heading?"

F/n shrugs and meets his eyes, "Don't know. Wherever my feet take me. Why?"

"Well," Izuku starts with a warm tiny smile, "I don't have a camp and I'm all alone. I plan on leaving the city since it's more dangerous here. It would be nice to have company. Do you want to come with me?"

Shocked but yet relieved, F/n smiles and scoffs. With nothing to do she grabs her bag and places her empty pistol in her back pocket of her jeans, "Sure, why the hell not."

Smiling even more at his now new companions' answer, Izuku takes the lead as he begins to walk the opposite way of his hometown. Izuku isn't really sure if he knows where he's going, but if it's far from the city, then so be it. He feels content that he finally found someone and is no longer alone. And he hopes it's the same for F/n.

While walking to what he hoped for was the next town, Izuku asks her what she was doing lying on the road. F/n nervously chuckles and scratches her neck, "I got tired of walking and needed a break."

Humming at her answer, a peaceful silence washed over the two as they thought about the last two months when the outbreak had started.

After a few hours of walking the sun had begun to die down. Izuku and F/n looked towards the yellow-orangey sky. She then heard Izuku sigh, "We need to find shelter before it gets completely dark. I've noticed the dead seem to be more active at night."

"Must be from the cool air." F/n said as she glanced around and as if the heavens must have heard them, in the distance she spotted a cabin. Getting off the road and onto the side, Izuku followed her, "Look."

Before reaching the cabin, Izuku held her back, "You have a weapon?"

F/n shook her head and watched as Izuku unzipped his yellow backpack pulling out a crowbar and a hammer. He handed her a crowbar while he kept the hammer to himself. He then cautiously told her to watch her step and keep quiet as they approached the cabin.

Once making it to the front door, F/n stayed back as Izuku turned the doorknob and the door slowly opened. While the door was slightly ajar, Izuku banged his hammer lightly to the wooded walls. When nothing approached and he heard no moaning or growls he took a step in and told his companion to be careful.

Closing the door behind her, F/n noticed a few locks on the door. Locking and securing the door, she turned around to see Izuku rummaging through cabinets and drawers.

She looked around the room and saw two twin beds sitting in the right corner, a bucket on top of a bed, a kitchen to her left, and in front of the kitchen was a small fireplace. The beds were spaced out as a drawer separated it.

She walked to the kitchen and checked the cabinets only to see pots and dishes. As Izuku looked in the fridge, she heard a defeated sigh coming from Izuku, "Everything's rotting."

Closing the cabinet, she hummed, "Maybe there's a grocery store or a convenience store up ahead."

Izuku nodded and walked to the beds, "We'll check tomorrow morning."

Sending an 'okay', F/n walked to the other bed that was near the wall and set her stuff down. She peered to the next bed and saw Izuku already laying down facing the kitchen. She let out a low sigh and layed down facing the ceiling.

Tonight would be the first night she would sleep without her family. The first night where her sister and brother wouldn't seek her comfort and where she wouldn't hear her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles bid her a 'goodnight' and 'I love you'. And her cousin making her stay up with stupid jokes and made up stories.

She could feel her eyes water and let out a low desperate sigh. She turned to her side facing the wall with her back turned to Izuku. In a fetal position, she hugged her legs and let her eyes closed hoping that tomorrow would be better.

Unknowingly, Izuku let his eyes fall as he heard F/n let out a few sighs. Although Izuku doesn't know what F/n had gone through, he hoped that eventually she would feel better and not let stress get the best of her. 

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