One step closer (Towards you)

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

F/n had flipped a basket to hold the gate open. While she filled her basket with random medicines, Izuku read the information of the pills he held. He wasn't really sure what it meant or how it was meant to be used, "Do you know which antibiotics are used for pain, or cuts or health?"

"No clue." F/n said as she placed liquid medicine and injections in hers, "I haven't gone to that part, yet. I actually struggle with learning about pills. I know the basics like painkillers and cough syrup, but that's about it."

"Huh, I guess even the strongest people have weaknesses." Izuku muttered as he placed the bottle in his basket and proceeded to place more.

She had heard and shrugged, agreeing with him. Her dad also struggled with defining antibiotics, it was her mom who taught her since she was a doctor, but she could never really focus. Something about pills and needles disinterested her.

She would keep the information in her head for a few days until it left. She was more into weapons like her father and grandfather. It was no wonder why she was closer to them. Though she did often feel ashamed as she didn't really have a lot of memories with her mother. She only remembered her sister being around her mother a lot.

Her mother was also gone for most of the days as she was always on call. She knows that her mother tried her hardest to get closer, but with work and with her husband, F/n's father, being paranoid, it was difficult.

A part of her disliked her father for keeping her away from the woman who gave her life. She tried to understand him, but understanding him was like a never ending maze. You think you figured out the way, only for the exit to expand as you get closer.

She's even come to realize that if her father was still around, she would've turned out just like him. The question of why her mother who is sweet and kind would fall in love with someone who is rigid and oversuspicious never crossed her mind. The way she viewed it, she only saw two people in love. Everyone else is probably like them.

"Fourth one is full." Izuku placed the heavy basket on the counter. He then looked at F/n as she stared at a bottle of pills, "What is it?"

"Oxy." She placed it in her blue basket, "Really good with pain."

He leaned on the counter, "We should've grabbed a cart and filled that instead, right? Maybe Shoto or Denki will bring one."

"Nah, I don't think so." Placing an inhaler in her basket, she moved towards Izuku where she placed the grocery basket next to his, "We still have to fit the other stuff inside. I would have suggested looking for another car, but that'd be a struggle."

"True." He said as he turned to open the gate and jumped over, helping F/n in the process, "I feel like we have enough. We can always come back and grab whatever is left."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now