For however long that'll be

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The water sloshed around her as she tried to get out of the river and away from the rotters behind her. Her hands lifted the duffel bag that contained little food so as to not get it wet from the river.

She huffed and tried to steadily calm her breath as the rotters behind growled and moaned, their dead hands reaching out for her.

When she made it to land, she took a quick pause to regain her stamina before continuing running. She didn't know how long she's been running but after she tripped over a tree stump she let herself stay low.

She rolled over to her back, her e/c eyes glancing at the night sky. She huffed out a sigh and ran a hand over her face. She grimaced when her clothes stuck to her and dirt picked up on her clothes.

She then ran her hand over her hair as she thought about what happened a while ago.

She remembered Shoto and Katsuki switching places so the blonde could take a break while Izuku was already asleep and herself was beginning to drift off to slumber.

She then remembered she was woken up harshly by Izuku who had a terrified face. She looked around and noticed that the van was swarmed by rotters. The dead pounded and snarled as they tried to get inside the van.

"What the hell happened!?" F/n asked.

"I don't know, the van broke down and a horde was passing by." Shoto said as he watched the rotters snarl at him.

Katsuki groaned as he pulled Shoto to the back of the van. He then grabbed the duffel bags and began throwing one to each person.

"Here's the plan." He let out a shaky sigh before speaking, "I'm gonna break the front window and distract them while you three open the back door and push forward. Don't stop, don't look back and run until you're safe. Do you hear me?"

"Kacchan, we can't just leave you!" Izuku exclaimed. "I'll stay beh-"

"Just shut up and listen, Deku!" Katsuki said as he glared at him, "You're going to run like hell before you let these damn sons of bitches eat you! Do you understand!? We don't have time for this shit!"

"No, Kacch-!" Izuku whipped his head to Shoto when he shoved a gun in his hand.

The dual-haired male stared at Izuku with uncertainty in his eyes, "We'll see him again, Izuku. Katsuki's going to stay on the roof of the car until morning and we'll stay nearby until sunrise. When the sun rises we get rid of the dead."

The car shook when Izuku nodded and looked at the blonde, "Fine. But can you not be stubborn and yell out for us when you need help?"

Katsuki nodded as he shoved Izuku to F/n. He then looked at F/n as she nodded at him. "Stay safe."

With that, Katsuki turned back to the driver's seat as he kicked the window open and steadily got on the hood of the van. He fought back his anxiety as the dead tried grabbing onto him as he made his way to the top.

When Katsuki was no longer in view and the dead began to swarm the front of the car, F/n and Shoto opened the back, killing a couple of rotters. As F/n and Izuku got out of the van and began to put distance between the van, Shoto stared at them, a sincere smile before he closed the van's door leaving him inside the van.

He then made his way to the driver's seat before pulling out an M16 and getting rid of the dead in front of the car. He then pulled out another M16 and passed it to Katsuki. On top, Katsuki scoffed as he shook his head with a grin before getting rid of every rotter.

The sound of gunshots alerted every dead nearby and the gunshot made F/n and Izuku turn around. The presence of a missing Shoto made them think of the worst. Before F/n could begin to run forward, Izuku held her hand as he pleadingly stared at her, "We have to go back!"

"No!" F/n yelled and pulled Izuku forward, "You heard Katsuki. We don't turn around, we don't look back!"

"How can you say that!?" Izuku argued, "He's our friend and Shoto was left behind! We can't leave them!"

"Then we'll wait until morning just like Shoto said!" F/n yelled as she tried to push Izuku forward but his stubbornness annoyed F/n. She turned around but her heart dropped when she saw a rotter just a few centimeters away from the male.

Without thinking, she shoved Izuku out of the way as the rotters came at her. She struggled before Izuku shot it. But the shot caused the rotters near the van to discrete and follow after the noise.

The sound of snarls caused the pair to be alert. Izuku picked up his bag and grabbed F/n before running once again. They dodged every rotter that tried to grab them but because they were so busy trying to run, they hadn't realized they got separated.

A few dozen rotters were now after F/n as she ran and it wasn't until she fell into the river where she realized that Izuku wasn't behind her. Thinking of the worst, she closed her eyes and pushed forward.

She let out a sigh as the stars twinkled at her. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. Once again, just like she imagined, she was alone.

Her hands gripped her face but hearing a twig snap nearby, she rose to her feet and began to move forward. The feeling of being alone brought her back to old memories when she had to leave her family behind.

Somewhere on the other side of the forest, Izuku gripped his wound as he leaned on a tree catching his breath. He moved the collar of his shirt and frowned when he saw blood leaking through.

His bullet wound had reopened when he bumped into a tree. Sitting down, he took off the bloody gauze and opened the duffel bag that had medical supplies. Grabbing rubbing alcohol, he bit his lips when he poured it onto his wound.

He then picked up a gauze and placed it over the wound while the other hand grabbed medical tape and attached it to the gauze. He was glad he watched F/n when she cleaned his wound otherwise, it would have gone infected and the fever would have killed him.

He let his head rest against the tree and let out a sigh. He was angry that his gun had run out of ammo. If it hadn't he would have gone back to find Katsuki, Shoto, or F/n.

He glared at the sky when tears brimmed his eyes. He pulled his knees up to his chest and lowered his head as the waterworks began.

He just found his friends and now he lost them. He hoped they were okay, otherwise, he didn't know what to do. 

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now