Wild Card

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For now, let's just see what they have planned.

I quickly fly to where Iruma's group is. From what I can sense Kalego’s not there anymore, and Amelie’s there too.

I land next to Iruma, who looks like he has an idea.

“So, what's the plan?" I ask.

“wha-AH!” He says, clearly startled, but gets a closer look at me.

"Oh, you're… the girl who saved Sabro and Azz!"

"Yeah, but that's not important. I'm sure you're aware of the impending doom within that thing."

He nods. "Yeah. I have an idea, but… I don't know if it'll work."

"Hit me."

"I… might be able to absorb the mana."

How in the NETHER can he- actually, why am I surprised? This IS Iruma, after all.

"But! If it doesn't work, the beast might explode!"

Huh. If we both take risks, we might be able to pull this off.

"You do that, then," I say. "I'll support you!"

He's shocked. "R-Really!?"

"Yeah, looks like if we both pull our wild cards then we can stop this! Though you're going to have to trust me."

"Well, you saved Sabro and Azz, so… I trust you!"

Looking at him now, there's something weird about him... That perfume is REALLY strong so it's hard to tell, but... It's like he's a-

Suddenly, we hear someone scream.

"Stop it already, you stupid beast!"

It's Ronove.

A certain flashy second-year at school whom I've avoided at all costs on the rare occasions we crossed paths.


His bloodline ability... and personality.

Pretty much the definition of attention seeking.

The beast is attracted to him due to this, and he's trying to be a hero and is ranting some sort of desperate speech, but he's shaking to his core.

Immediately, I know what's about to happen. The beast starts charging its beam, this time aimed at Ronove.

Iruma jumps in front of him, and I reluctantly take off my ring.

Please, let it work this once…

I concentrate everything I have into making my biggest barrier I've ever made, covering the entirety of the beast, Iruma and I. I space myself a good bit from Iruma in case his wild card ends up being big.

Concentrate… you can't afford to fail now…

I put as much as I can into these shields, getting ready to protect Iruma.

"Cherusil!" I hear him shout.

Out of nowhere, a giant cat creature emerges from his ring, and I can tell that's the wild card. I sprint in front of him, and use the last ounces of mana I can muster into making a small, second barrier around us and manipulating it so that there's a small hole for the part of the cat creature connected to the ring.

Please, work!


As the beast explodes, I see the cat creature swallow the mana whole and shrink, leaving a tiny shriveled lizard behind.

We… did it…

Using my last scrapes of mana, I cast my weakest concealing spell yet, put on my detection warding glasses, lay myself on the ground, and black out.

When I wake up, I immediately check my phone. I was probably asleep for… 20 minutes? I'm still exhausted, though, and out of mana.

I can see a float in the nearer distance, with whom I can guess are my classmates on it, as well as the teachers and Amelie…

Henri! I need to update him!

Coincidentally, he calls at that moment.

"Okami! Are you and the others alright!?"

"We're all fine, don't... Don't worry. They're being celebrated for taking... taking down the beast now that it's been... defeated."

"That's good, I'm glad to hear you're all alright. You sound off, though, are you with them?"

"No, I don't want any credit. I'm sure you understand. Plus, I… used a LOT of mana…"

"...Hold on, did you take off your ring!?"

"Only because it was necessary! If I didn't, then they… would've died…"



"Okami? Okami, are you there???"

"I'm fine… worry about the others…"

And I black out yet again.


I wake up covered by a blanket at home, on my couch. There's a note on the table next to me.

It was troublesome, but I managed to get you here without anyone seeing you. Ask for help next time so I'm better prepared.

I frantically pull out a pocket mirror. While I was conked out, my transformation spell wore off! If it weren't for Henri… I don't even want to think of the situation I'd be in.

I should thank him next time I see him.

Now refreshed, I pick up my ring from the table and put it back on. I won't be taking this off for a while again…


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