Trapping A Spider

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I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Professor Balam, I..." I start.

He throws me a potion and nods.

Right, Sabro, that's more important. Balam can handle Atori.

I quickly grab my feather off the ground, discreetly putting it into Infinite Void, and run over to Sabro and his team in the corner. He's beginning to get up, so I uncork the bottle.

"Sabro, drink this..." I say, putting the bottle near his hand.

He takes it and drinks it as best he can with his injuries.

He'll probably forget what Atori said, so I don't think I have to worry.

I keep telling myself it's for the best, but...

A part of me really wants to tell my class everything. But every time I feel as if I've worked up the courage to do so, the fear overwhelms me and I'm back to square one.

It's really annoying, but I at least know for sure that I'm not going to let anyone find out like this.

"Okami, he..."

"Forget about him for now, just drink the rest." I step back and turn to his teammates. "Can you two-"

"Mama." The boy says.


"Mama." The girl says with a nod, as if in agreement.


"Um. I..."


I put up a strong barrier and whip around. Atori's almost embedded into the ground.

Is he... wait.

Balam calls someone, and as he's talking I see what I was hoping I could avoid.

Spider silk.


Without even trying to attack, Atori's off.

Shit! I have to go after him!

I open my wings and get up from the ground.

"Now wait just a moment." Balam says sternly. "You can't-"

"I will."

"What do you mean, you will? Atori is dangerous!"

"I know that! That's why I can't let him get away!"

I know that better than anyone here, but only I know what he's capable of!

"Whether you know or not, you can't-"

"I'm GOING," I repeat, "you can't stop me. I'll see you later." I spin on my heel, open my wings, and fly after him, using mana to boost my speed.

This is my fight, it's my fault after all.

If only I hadn't screwed up so much back then...

I check the presences nearby. Atori's is moving swiftly towards a group of 5 people, though only one I recognize from my class.

That has to be Allocer's group. But why them? Shouldn't Atori be trying to escape?

The next thing I know, Atori's reached them. They're in a tree, and I can't see well through the leaves, but...

Teachers are quickly arriving.

Suddenly, they all disappear from the tree, and I spot them with two teachers on the side.

I don't want to get in the teachers' ways...

Hopefully they immobilize him first.

I quietly land behind Allocer and the others, though I only see 4 of the 5 I sensed.

"Are you guys alright?" I whisper, causing them to jolt and whip around.

"Yeah, we're fine... what was that about?" Allocer whispers in reply. "Wasn't that Professor Atori?"

"It was. I'm trying to figure out what he's-"



He's gone.


Checking again, he's quickly going into the school, so I immediately fly in.

He went for the group, but didn't immediately attack...

The only plausible explanation is that he's trying to find someone.

But who...?


Once I'm in, I can faintly hear Iruma and the others in the distance. They haven't noticed the presence behind him yet, I just know it.

I fly closer to the floor. Shiida's running beside me.




We stare at each other blankly for a few seconds. It's silent other than the sound of my wings and her shoes.


"Who's side are you on?" I ask.

"...I want to protect Iruma."

So she did take a liking to him after all.

If that's the case... then...

"...I'll provide you with an opening to attack Atori."

She stares at me in shock.


"As much as I'd like to do it myself, you'll have a much better chance of succeeding. He won't expect it."

She nods.

"Thank you..."

"Thank Iruma. I don't trust you at all. But... I hate Atori too much."

"SENSEI!" I hear Iruma scream.

Thank goodness he has Kalego.



He'll barely be able to fight like that!

Shiida and I speed up and they come into view, just as Atori grabs Iruma out of some sort of cage.


I flap my wings, boosting myself to Atori's level and getting ready to focus on him.

Mana Output: Level 10.

Aura Manipulation: 100%.

With my biggest burst of magic yet, I throw a knife and manage to separate the wrapped Iruma from Atori as Shiida kicks him hard.

And I mean HARD.

I catch Iruma midair and slowly lower us to the ground.

When we reach it, his team, Azz's team and Jazz are waiting for us.

I put him down and walk over to Atori.

"Okami... what happened after we split?" Jazz asks.

"Later. I'll be right back." I reply.

Atori's surrounded by teachers. They try to block me but I don't care, instead pushing through them. I pour as much mana into my fist as possible, and give Atori a good punch in the face, which sends him down into the ground.

A vine grabs me and gently moves me to the side, but I don't struggle.

"I did what I wanted to do." I say simply. "I'm done."

I don't want to stain this school with something as disgusting as Atori's blood.

"What, am I not worth killing!?" He gets up and grins, wiping blood away from his mouth. "PRINC-"

He's interrupted by an overwhelming presence.

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