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"On three!" Iruma says.

"One, two..."


We're having a class party now that the ceremonies are over.

I still can't believe I got He... that was really least Iruma got He with me.

I guess staying unnoticed will be impossible now... Oh well.

"...But before that..." I hear Lied say. "There's someone here who ought to be praising us!" He points to Kalego.

"Don't you have something to say to us, homeroom teacher!?"

"Come on, let's hear it!"

"...You're right." He says.


"An entire class reaching rank 4 in their first year... that's never happened in the history of Babyls. It's not something you could accomplish simply because you were told to. It's as you said. What you lot have done is truly... remarkable. For the notorious Misfits to grow so much...that is, I believe, something to take pride in."

Will he finally be praising us?

"Really... it's magnificent... my guidance, that is."

Déja vu much??? I guess Uncle somehow rubbed off on him.


"How immature of you!"

"You ought to praise us more sincerely!"

Honestly... I really thought he'd be nice for once.

"Well, that aside..." Jazz says, "you should at least praise the music team."


"Praise them!"


He slowly raises his disciplinary stick thing, and gives us each a pat on the head with it.

...He actually acknowledged our work!!! Finally! He might be as hard to please as Poro!

"Ahhh, no way! That's not enough!" Lied says.

"Purson, over here!"

We commence the siege of praise on him, since he missed out last time. I'm grinning ear to ear since they've forgotten I didn't go.

"This is... embarrassing..."


"We're all really happy you came back, Soi." Iruma says. "Thank you, for standing with us on stage."

Soi's really happy. I'm so glad!

"Speaking of, there's something I've been wondering about for a while now..." Allocer says, looking at me.


"Kalego mentioned how you were there at Walter Park and helped out. No one saw you, did they?"

Dammit! I thought they forgot about that!

"Um. I didn't hear him say that... he must've been mistaken. I wasn't there!"

"Yes you were. Don't deny it. I am wondering where you got such a bold purple and green wig, though." Kalego says.

Oh SHUT UP KALEGO! NOW you join the conversation!?

"W-What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about!" I say cheerfully despite my glaring daggers at him.

The entire class looks at me in disbelief.

The Demon Princess: An Iruma-kun OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now