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Sullivan walks in calmly, though his aura screams the complete opposite.

"Too bad..." He glances at Iruma.

Uh oh.

He's MAD.

"Got a bit carried away there, didn't you?"

I feel a small shiver go down my spine as Sullivan summons some sort of black wispy creature, which swoops in and grabs Atori in its mouth.

"Atori... I'll have you tell us everything. What was it you were after? We have plenty of time and plenty of ways of making you talk..."

I notice a smile appearing on Professor Marbas' face as he holds up some sort of tool.

" let us welcome you again, this time as an enemy of Babyls."

Couldn't have worded it better myself... unless you count profanity as improvement.

"Heh- Hehehe...!! After everything I've done... you're letting me live, and you want to talk...?"

His deranged gaze moves to me, and I flip him off as he continues.

"You especially! I was expecting so much more than just a punch! You were holding back...!"

He bursts out laughing.

"This is why I hate the current Netherworld and all of its demons! Plus you!"

He turns back to Sullivan.

"Get fucked! Derkila himself said you could never become the Demon King! You are a cursed man!"


Atori's eyes roll back into his head as the creature wraps itself tightly around his throat. Sullivan, though, looks lost in thought somehow.

"Lord Sullivan!" Opera yells. "Lord Sullivan!"

Welp, it was not at all nice knowing you, Atori, and I hope you rot in the afterlife.



I hear a sound.

A really powerful sound.

I snap out some powerful noise canceling headphones and quickly put them on, but then I realize.

I got these specifically for one person.


It can't be.

It just...

It just can't.

A large circle cut of the roof comes down, and with it the one person I thought it might be, but was hoping with all of my heart that it wouldn't be.


He says something, sends out another sound I don't hear, and flies up to the roof with Sullivan.

And he takes Atori with him.

In a panic, I start pacing and muttering to myself.

"No. No, that wasn't him. That couldn't be, right? Yeah! He'd never do that! He wouldn't! I just saw something wrong! There was some sort of mistake! He wouldn't do that, ever. Ever! He said himself he'd protect me. He'd never ever do that. Neve-"


I'm startled by the sudden noise. Iruma's in front of me, holding my headphones.

I realize I must've scared him.


"Calm down."

"I..." I take a deep breath. "I'm going up there."

"W-Wait! Why!?"

"Because," I reply, "someone has some explaining to do."

I turn around and fly out.

"Quattro," I hear him say, "Sulliva-"

"WAIT, DAMMIT!" I scream.

He stops, eyes widening in shock. He only looks at me for a moment before turning away.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"


"Y-You're not actually joining them, are you?"




"You're just gonna leave me? Just like that? After months of me being worried sick about you, you not even bothering to let me know that you're alright, a-after EVERYTHING, you're just LEAVING!?"


"I mean, did you ever even care about me!? Or did you only ever see me as his daughter!? Was he the only reason you BOTHERED with me!?"


I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Please tell me I'm wrong," I say quietly. "Please tell me this is just a misunderstanding."


Say you care about me.

He flaps his wings, and disappears, along with Atori.

For a few seconds, I just stare at the sky where he once was.


He really left...

After all this time, I thought he learned to care about me for me, but...

Maybe he's realized my father's dead or something.

And because of that, he doesn't care about me anymore.

If my father doesn't matter, I don't matter.

Is that really how he sees me?

Is that how others would see me if they knew who I am?

"Okami..." Sullivan starts.

I look over at him and Opera, tears streaming down my face.

"I hate my father..." I whisper.

I feel my wings fail me, and the last thing I see is the empty sky above me before I black out.

(A/N: I actually got really sad myself writing this chapter... I will be taking a mini break from the main story, though, because I've got a short backstory chapter planned. If there's anything else y'all would like to see, scenes that wouldn't fit right now, more detailed versions of different stuff, anything, now's the perfect time to request for it to be written. If not that's fine too, I'll just go with what I have planned.)

The Demon Princess: An Iruma-kun OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now