All 14 Of Us

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We head to the rooftop after classes and Soi begins to play. His music is even more powerful than usual, I notice.

He must have a lot he wants to say...

I'm the only person he talks to other than family, so his music is his way of letting out his words.

The two of us are pretty similar, and after getting to know him I can make a fair guess as to what's on his mind.

First off: Not once, but twice was he singled out, by both Kalego and our classmates. I was singled out by Kalego too, and that was bad enough, but he's been here the whole year, not to mention he's Rank Bet. That must be a whole other level of anxiety.

Second thing: Iruma. Instead of doing the same thing the others did, he didn't really push Soi and insist he participate in the discussion(unlike the others), and just spoke to him. I know Soi'd love to participate, but he just needs a little push. A little push like...




He's watching us.

I decide not to say anything. This could be just the push Soi needs!

The look of shock on his face when he noticed Iruma was photo-worthy. Unfortunately, I can't get my phone out fast enough to take a photo.

As Iruma runs towards him, I can tell. He wants to disappear, but he couldn't.

Not only could he just not bring himself to do it, someone was holding him back.


"That was sooooo coooool!" Iruma says. He's fanboying over Soi's trumpet skills, justly so, but I can tell what's coming next.

"This isn't what it looks like. I'm just playing music to relieve stress. Why are you even here? Just so you know, I'm not practicing for the Music Festival, and it's not like I love music either, ok? I'm just an amateur who's never played for others. Well, I've played for Okami I guess, but that doesn't count cause she just listens and that's it..."

My goodness, this is like when we first met... except Iruma can barely keep up.

"...That's right. This is all a dream. Now go home and wake up. Well, that's how it is," he ends, getting ready to leave, "so goodb-"
Before he can leave, Iruma's grabbed his uniform and pulled him to the ground. I, with my phone now out, snap a few pictures.

I'm not paying attention to what they're saying at this point. This is Soi's make or break moment, so I don't want to ruin it by butting in. But Iruma... looks really determined to get Soi to participate.

"...If it's ok... to music..." he says.

Hold on, he did it already!? Iruma managed to convince him to participate!?!? Man, I underestimated this guy.

"And also... Okami's participating too. I'm not doing this unless she is."

Huh?? Don't drag me into this! I mean, I was probably going to participate anyways, but still!!

It's unnoticeable to Iruma, but there's a small smirk on Soi's face.

...Ohhh, I get it.

Payback for not warning him.

Iruma's now looking at me with expecting eyes.

Just like the ones from the tiny Iruma from then...

Not knowing what to do, I just stare, which causes the atmosphere to get awkward.

C'mon, me! Say something!

The Demon Princess: An Iruma-kun OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now