in the library

423 10 3

Rantaros pov

I hummed to myself as I scanned through the library. Something's off about this place. Like it's been hidden in plain sight. Knowing the mastermind and their sick sense of humour that's probably exactly what they did.

I'm not like everyone else in this game. Despite my missing memories I have apparently been in this game before. A game where I killed everyone just to survive, earning me the title of ultimate survivor. In my video the other me said I wanted this but is that true? How can anyone possibly want this!

My thoughts were cut off by a flashing noise. My head shot up? What the hell was that. I made my way over to discover a hidden digital camera. Who would put a camera here-


I stumbled back in shock. A shot put ball just fell in front of me. Was this a murder attempt? It's a pretty elaborate one! Just as I was about to ponder on it further I noticed a shadow behind me, raising something over their head.

I didn't even take the time to get a look at my attacker, I knew I didn't have time to. I sidestepped them and took off running out of the library and into the hallway.

I felt my lungs burning but still I didn't give up. I feared that if I even slowed down my attacker could catch up to me. Damnit I knew I couldn't trust anyone. Clearly the other me knew better. I can't die here...

"Ran ran don't leave me behind!"

Not before I remember who that girl is!

My frantic sprinting was put to a stop by a strangely nostalgic announcement...

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now