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Rantaros pov

"Alright everyone eat up!" Kirumi said politely as she placed down plates of steaming hot breakfast. It looks freshly cooked. I guess she's the ultimate maid for a reason.

Kokichi took a bite and his eyes lit up "kirumi be my mom!"

"Pardon?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Will you be gontas mom too" gonta asked politely.

"I am too young to be anyone's mother!" Kirumi said firmly.

The others started laughing. The mood was suddenly light and happy. Even I started to crack a smile.

"Might want to be careful big guy. Mama-chan has looks that can kill" as soon as the words left kokichis mouth everyone froze, our light mood was replaced by a cold chill.

"Kokichi you shouldn't use words like that" kiibo said gently.

"What words?" Kokichi tilted his head "oh do you mean kill?"

"Cut it out you degenerate" tenko growled "you're doing that on purpose!"

"What the k-words banned?" He gave us an innocent look "but isn't that kinda dumb? This is our reality, what's the point of running from it?"

"You bastard. Don't treat life so lightly!" Kaito growled. The others nodded in agreement.

"Oh so that's how you feel" his eyes were filled with disappointment "I really expected more from you guys. Oh well! At least it will make winning this game easier!" He let out a cruel laugh before skipping away.

"That kokichi is a dangerous one. It's best to be weary of him" korekiyo muttered.

"He's looking to get a punch in the face" kaito muttered angrily.

I looked out the door where kokichi left. Kokichi's rather intelligent and he's unpredictable enough to throw even the mastermind off. He could make a useful ally.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now