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Rantaros pov

"A body has been discovered!"

My head shot up in disbelief. A body discovery announcement? But I avoided the killer, how can-


My thoughts were cut off by a scream coming from the library. Several others ran into the library but I was hesitant. What if the killer's still there? I mentally slapped myself. No time to hesitate. I need to just go in!

I stepped inside and stopped. Laying in front of us was the slumped over body of shuichi saihara!

"Shuichi" keade hugged the boy with tears in her eyes. Everyone gave her a pitying look but they looked equally as shaken up.

I walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder "I know this is hard keade but we need to start investing. It's the only way we can avenge his death"

"You're right" she stood up, trembling slightly "the person who did this will pay!"

I smiled at her. She's a remarkably strong girl. Just then the monokumas showed up with the monokuma file. I guess the real monokuma was too busy to give the file himself.

I scanned through the file. According to the information here shuichi was killed mere moments ago and he died from blunt force trauma.

I bent down to inspect his body. His head was bloody with a deep dent. I guess the monokuma file is accurate.

I looked to the side and my heart stopped. It was a shot put ball. The same ball that was almost used to kill me. My blood ran cold.

Could my attempted murderer and shuichis murderer the same person?

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now