insect meet and greet

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Rantaros pov

I woke up at the sound of the bang outside my door. Half asleep I stood up and opened the door to be faced by gontas ripped chest.

"You don't like bugs?" His voice emanated like a low growl.

"Huh?" I was way too tired to process what was happening.

"Gonta will make you understand bugs!" That was the last thing I heard before gonta lunged at me and everything went dark.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" I opened my eyes to be met with the most captivating shade of purple.

"Gah!" I sat up to find kokichi sitting on my lap "kokichi"

"It's not only kokichi" I looked over to see tenko, himiko, kiibo, korekiyo and kaito standing around us.

"Oh hello everyone. What are we doing here?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Ask him" tenko growled.

"I'll be happy to explain to you my beloved ran-ran" kokichi stood up with a cute smile "I had this idea regarding the motive tapes and figured it would be fun to watch them all together"

"But kokichi we all agreed not to watch those tapes" kiibo spoke up.

"I know but where's the fun in that" he spread his arms out with a wide grin "come ooon let's make a day out of it. It could be a great bonding experience"

"Neah who'd want to bond with you" himiko glared at him.

"Well that's not nice" kokichi started to tear up "and after all the effort I put into this. You're so mean wahhh!" He burst into fake tears.

"Do not cry friend kokichi. This insect meet and greet will be great" gonta petted his head reassuringly.

"Thanks big guy" kokichi wiped away his tears "I'll go get the motive tapes. Feel free to start without me"

"Ok" gonta smiled as kokichi slipped out "everyone time to meet bug friends!"

And for the next few minutes we were chased down and swarmed by bugs. Eventually kiibo had enough.

"That's it I'm putting a stop to it" he pressed a button and kokichis voice rang out. He had a recording this whole time!

"Alright I'm back now let's get this party star-" he paused, gontas injured face was inches from his own "is everything good big guy"

"You no like bugs?" His voice was low and threatening.

"What are you t-talking about. I l-love bugs" he started to tremble. It's not like kokichi to show fear. Is he that afraid of bugs?

The others left as gonta closed in on him but I knew I couldn't leave him, not when he was so scared.

"Kokichi run!" I grabbed his arm and bolted out the door.

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