gontas death

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Rantaros pov

"A body has been discovered! Please head to the empty room on the third floor at your earliest convenience"

We all froze in place. Another murder. That can't be true!

"There wasn't even a real motive this time" I muttered in disbelief.

"You see" Angie pushed off maki, anger flaring in her eyes "if you had just followed atuas word then none of this would have happened"

You can't possibly believe that!" Maki glared at her. It looked like things were about to get especially heated when-

"Enough" ryoma stepped in between them "someone's dead. We should at least honour them by checking on their corpse. We'll have plenty of time to point the finger later"

"Tch" maki scoffed but didn't argue further.

"Nahaha your so clever ryoma" Angie hugged him close "you should become one of Atua's followers. He can certainly use someone who can so skillfully defuse arguments!"

"Go even go there" he pushed her away with a glare.

"Are we done?" Kokichi raised an eyebrow "like ryoma said we gotta check this out. We're wasting time here that we could be spending on the investigation"

"He's right" I nodded "let's go to the empty room"

*Time skip*

We stepped in and gasped. Gonta the big friendly giant we all loved was collapsed on the floor covered in blood. Kokichi clenched his fists. Poor kid. He was really fond of the big guy.

"Gonta" himiko sobbed by his side.

"I wish I could cry right now" kiibo hugged himself with a dull expression.

"It's just too cruel" tsumugi sobbed.

Angie stepped inside the room, her small frame trembling "to kill one of Atua's loyal followers. It's unforgivable. We must take it upon ourselves to take the sinner down"

"You're absolutely right!" Tsumugi stood up with tear stained cheeks.

"Neah they won't get away with this" himiko growled.

"Not on atuas watch" kiibo muttered darkly. Looks like they're all fired up but I don't know if that's a good thing!

"Well if you're looking for retribution I may have a way" korekiyo leaned against the door with a mysterious glint in his eye "let's perform a seance"

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now