seance gone wrong

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Rantaros pov

"The four of us must stand in a square formation around the caged child" korekiyo explained the rules of the seance "we will sing the song of the caged child and theoretically the vessel will take the spirit of our fallen classmate"

We nodded in understanding. Me, korekiyo, himiko, tenko and kokichi agreed to do this seance. I didn't believe in ghosts despite how much I've studied different urban legends. Yet more information I didn't remember learning. Oh well, it couldn't hurt to try.

"Now we just need to choose a vessel. I think himiko would make a perfect vessel" korekiyo said calmly.

"It must be because of my magical abilities. It makes me the obvious choice" she was about to step in when-

"Stop!" Tenko grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Neah what now!" She glared at her.

"Let me do this" she smiled kindly "You've done so many things. It's my turn to be amazing" she turned to korekiyo "that alright with you?"

"I have no problem with the change" he shrugged "now we must get started"

"Oh and himiko? Don't be afraid to live" she gave her a conferting smile "I've noticed that you don't like to think for yourself. You prefer to let others think for you, to live in a bubble but that's no way to live! Don't be afraid to face the world. It can be scary but it can be wonderful too! I'm sure you don't want to miss out on all that" she patted her shoulder before walking to the cage.

We headed to the corners of the room, not realising what terrible fate awaited her.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now