the test

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Rantaros pov

"Thanks for agreeing to this himiko" I smiled at the girl as we walked down the hallway together.

"Neah no problem. I owe you guys for catching tenkos killer" she nodded "so what do you want me to do?"

"Just distract monokuma for as long as you can while kokichi and me get into the principles office" I instructed her.

"How do I do that?" She tilted her head.

"I don't know, teach him one of your magic tricks?" I suggested.

"Neah there's no trick! My magic is real!" Her face turned red with anger. She looked like a human strawberry!

"Whatever just do what you have to to keep him talking" with that I walked away and snuck around the corner to watch.

Himiko cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled "monokuma!"

"What what! Jeez you're noisy" monokuma grumbled as he waddled over her. I smirked to myself. It's go time!

*Time skip*

"And a one two presto!" The door open with a satisfying click. Kokichi pulled his hairpin back with a grin "I'm a genius I know"

"You can gloat later. We only have a limited amount of time here" I reminded him.

"Party pooper" he winked playfully before heading inside.

The inside looked like a normal headmaster's office. Almost earrily so. Was this truly a normal high school before the mastermind got their hands on it?

"Ohh this looks important" kokichi strolled over to the locker cabinet and started picking the lock. I hung by the entrance in case monokuma came back. The cabinet opened and kokichi giggily read through the papers.

"Rantaro" kokichi looked up from the papers, his face pale "we need to gather the others"

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now