the true mastermind

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Rantaros pov

"Tsumugi it can't be true... right?" Himiko looked at her with hope filled eyes. It was clear that she was hoping, praying that this was all just a misunderstanding but the eyes that met hers were empty.

"Hmm? Oh no himiko, someone as plain as me could never be a mastermind. That honour goes to.." in a flash she changed outfits and turned into "junko enoshima!"

"What the hell" I muttered in disbelief. She cosplaying? At a time like this!?

"Of course I am. I'm the mastermind you know. So I gotta make things interesting for you" junko? grinned.

"This is insane" kiibo clutched his head in confusion.

Suddenly she transformed into a fermillier face. The face of the man behind the gother project. Mokoto neagi.

"I know this is confusing but don't give up! The hope of humanity relies on you!"

"More people!" Himiko yelped.

"Hey hey" she turned into a short girl in a hoodie "do you remember what tsumugi told you about her cosplaying?"

"She mentioned something about a cospox" kiibo muttered.

"Yes she says she can't cosplay real people" Angie grinned.

"But that means these people.." my voice caught in my throat. The realisation was too much for my brain to compute.

"Tch took you bastards long enough to figure it out" a short boy spat "all you've ever known about hopes peak has been a lie" a purple haired girl stuttered "fabrications just to make the story more interesting" a boy with glasses said snarkily.

"So all this has been a lie?" I shook my head "but why? What was the point of all this?"

Tsumugi turned back to herself "for the sake of entertainment of course. Our show danganrompa in on its 53rd season and has millions of fans"

"Fifty three? There's been fifty three killing games" kokichi said shakily.

Tsumugi fixed her eyes on me "your killing game was especially wonderful rantaro. You earned that title of ultimate survivor"

"No!" I clutched my head in pain. This feels so hopeless...

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now