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Rantaros pov

I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by white walls. I blinked a couple of times. Am I in heaven? No I don't think I'd ever make the cut. So where am I?

"You're awake!" I looked up to see kokichi. A smile slowly spread across his face before he leaned out the door and yelled "hey everyone he's awake!"

I heard the shuffling of footsteps before himiko, Angie and ryoma burst in.

"You're alright!"

"Jeez kid you had us worried"

"Praise be to atua and his bounty of kindness!"

I blinked a couple of times in disbelief "you're all alive? But how!?"

"Kiibo at the last moment blew up the dome, giving us a way out. He gave his life for us" himiko said tearfully.

"Haha" I laughed weakly as tears ran down my cheeks "guys is it ok if I hug you?"

The others ran into my arms. We laughed as we held each other close. I felt so happy at this moment. It felt good not being the only survivor.

Our head shot up at the sound of the door opening, revealing a man in a black suit. He silently placed down a suitcase and opened it, revealing huge stacks of cash.

"You're reward money" he explained "we've also prepared a house for you five to stay in since you no longer have a place in society. Thank you for helping our show go out with a bang" he bowed politely before leaving.

"Neah we weren't trying to help them" himiko grumbled.

"I guess we'll be living together" kokichi smiled up at me.

"It would seem so" i ruffled his hair "I hope you don't mind me being absent from time to time. I'm still determined to find my sisters after all"

"It is fine. We shall wait for you" Angie said brightly. The others nodded in agreement.

I smiled as I held them close. I headed into this game looking for fame and glory and I left it with a family..

The end.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now